Aroura's Past

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Vansh Rai Singhania

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Vansh Rai Singhania

I was driving for 5 minutes when I felt something on my shoulder I looked at the side to see Aurora sleeping peaceful she looked so innocent, so cute when she is asleep or else she is a devil sent from hell.

I stopped the car and adjusted her head but it fell back on me so I let it be there

Whole way she was sleeping on my shoulder making me have tingles in my whole body.

I parked the car and got out I went around it and opened her door

"Aurora wake up"

She just snuggled more in the seat I poked her cheek but still didn't so I put my arm under her knees and one on back and carried her out I closed the door with my leg and slowly started walking inside

I opened the door and come face to face with Dolly Aunty

"What happened to her?"
She whispered

"She fell asleep"
I whispered back she smiled and put her hand on her forehead and brushed her hairs

"Come with me"

I quietly followed her upstairs she opened the door the room was dark only table lamps were on still you could make it she switched on the lights and Aurora smuggled more into me make my heart beat at a different speed

I slowly placed her on the bed and moved away her mom put the covers over and closed the curtains and switched off the lights we slowly walked out and closed the door

"When Aroura was small she tends to sleep alot she loves to sleep alot but now she have so much to do"

She muttered as we walk down

"She is one hell of a girl always cold and never smiles"

I said back

"No she isn't cold at all it's just a incident 5 years ago that made her close off there was a time when she use to smile and cry at every little thing she was the bubble child and use to talk a lot but now she bearly speaks only when she have work she will speak she was the most kind hearted person I had ever seen"

She sat on the sofa and handed me a plate of fruits

"You hadn't finished the dinner so I thought"

"Thank you can I ask you a question"

"Of course"

"Why Aurora behaves like she is the most cruel and heartless if you are saying that she is kind hearted?"

"When she was 10 years old she once brought a injured sparrow home from some road and bandaged her and fed her until she was normal"

She smiled as if remembering that time

"So what changed"

"Aroura isn't my real daughter I was married 13 years back and she is 21 now we adopted her"

Fire and Ice Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora