We nodded and sit at back, Santino look at me and said: "so where did you find my sweatpant?"

I smile at him and said: "Mario gave it to me."

Santino's eyes softened and he said: "you're cute."

I giggle and we started our journey. I look at Antonio and said: "I'm hungry."

Sergio chuckle and said: "you just had breakfast."

I pouted and said: "but I'm hungry right now."

Antonio sighed and said: "we will first do some shopping and then eat something in the food court after that we will go back home? Okay?"

I nodded and said: *okay."

I look at Santino and said: "do i have to go to school?"

Santino raise his brow and said: "obviously."

I look down and whisper: "but can't i just get homeschooled..."

Sergio look back at me and said: "you can't because it is the only condition that you need to go to public school. Aren't you excited?"

I shake my head in a no and said: "no..the people at my old school were mean to me."

Antonio stop his car and i look up to see it's a parking lot. He look back at me and said: "did they bully you?"

I frown and said: "yes."

Antonio close his eyes and look at me and said: "how many?"

I bit my lip and said: "only one."

Santino nodded and said: "okay and what did that person do?"

I shrugged and said: "it's a guy and he used to bully me but he never hurted me physically nor publicly humiliated me. I never had friends because of him. He always say that he is the only one allowed to bully me. No one else, because of that nobody really want to be friends with me because his friends used to bully them."

Sergio look at me through the rear mirror and said: "what's his fucking name.'

I shake my head in a no and said: "i don't want you to hurt him."

Antonio was about to say something when Santino said: "okay enough let's go and do some shopping for her."

They nodded and we started to walk towards the shopping mall. Antonio stop and kneel down infront of me and said: "okay so there are some rules Carmella which are that you need to hold hands with one of us so you don't get lost. Do not buy anything which is revealing. if you need to go to the Toilet you need to tell us okay? If someone try to hurt you call one of us. If you didn't see us around the kick her or his foot. Okay?"

I nodded and said: "can i buy skirts or shorts?"

Sergio look at me and said: "no you fucking can't.'

I pouted and look Antonio who sighed and said: "it's winters baby. You can't wear skirtsbor shorts okay? You can wear skirts and shorts in winters but only at home when we as in your family is around okay?"

I smile and said: "thank you."

He nodded and said: "only buy warm clothes do not buy skirts or shorts because you won't be able to wear them."

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