"Hello." He answers.

"Klaus, we're at the Salvatores. Come quickly. You need to see this." She tell her older brother before ending the call abruptly.

Klaus wasted no time hurrying to the Salvatore boarding home.

Klaus barged right into the house and saw everyone huddling around the sofa, but he didn't see Serena.

"Where is she?" He quickly asked as he looked around for her.

"She's alive and resting in the guest room, but wait." Rebekah rushed to Klaus before he began walking towards the guest room. "Don't you want to know how she's alive?" She wondered.

The thought hasn't come to Klaus' mind. All that matter was she's alive. He assumed they healed her by one of their bloods, but he believe to be wrong from their expressions.

"How is she alive?" He asked.

"She was dead when we got to her. Elijah and I tried to give her our blood, but she wasn't taking it. She was dead." Rebekah began as she went towards some books that laid on the coffee table. "So, we brought her back here to see if Bonnie could do a resurrection spell, but then she...she just suddenly came back to life. Serena shot up from the couch, gasping for air, and trust me— we were all very stunned. She was perfectly fine. Completely healed and Elena offered for her to rest until you came back." Rebekah continues as she started to look through the pages of the book. "Look." She handed the book to Klaus.

Klaus's eyes scanned the page Rebekah had left open for him. His eyebrows raised, shocked. "She's a goddess?" He questions, confused.

"Yes. She has to be. I mean, just by her angelic looks can confirm it. She also can never be compelled, she has lilac eyes, her hair, and now she's coming back to life without the help of our vampire blood. We also know for sure that she's not a vampire. She looks nothing like her family and they don't carry the same abilities that she has. It's the only explanation." Caroline spoke as Klaus scanned through the page. Taking in the information and seeing that a lot of the pictures and facts matched Serena.

"We believe she was adopted by the parents she had. Maybe if we searched her house, we will find more explanations. Maybe her parents were keeping this a secret from her to protect her. We wouldn't know until we search." Damon chimes in as he held a glass of bourbon in his hand.

"Maybe there's more to her then from what we know. From what she knows. Maybe she has more abilities, but she was never taught to ignite and embrace them." Elijah says as he placed a hand on Klaus' shoulder who seemed taken back by this information.

"And we don't know who her parents are?" Klaus raised as he looked at them all.

They all shook their heads.

Klaus nods and places the book down. "For now, let's not mention this to her. Just until she feels well. I don't want to bombarded all of this on her after what she's been through today." He informs the group and they nodded their heads in agreement.

"We took her brother to Jeremys. Hell be fine there for a few days until Serena is better." Elena tells Klaus before he began to walk away. To make sure that she lets him know in case Serena questions about him.

"Okay." Klaus responds and he continues to make his way towards guest room.

The original hybrid walked up the stairs taking in the information he gave them. He was a bit shocked, but he wasn't surprised. Serena seemed more then just a regular human being.

She was a goddess.

Klaus placed his hand on the door knob and open the bedroom door. He sees Serena laying in the bed. Klaus smiles and closes the door behind before walking towards the bed.

He once again smiles at her sleeping figure. Decided to get in bed in lay next to her. He moved closer to her to take in her features. She looked so beautiful.

She seemed to clean herself up a bit from the blood and dirt Serena had on her. Her gorgeous white hair perfectly shaped her sleeping face, her lips were parted a little to allow air in, and her pale skin glisten from the sunlight as if she was one of those vampires from Twilight.

"It's inappropriate to stare." She comments with her eyes still closed and a small smirk forming on her face.

Klais chuckles, "You were awake this entire time?" He asked.

The young girl opens her eyes. Revealing her beautiful lilac orbs. "Yes and I was watching you be a creep, mate. I couldn't sleep until I know you returned safetly." She says with a smile. Klaus felt his heart warm at her comment. "Is everything okay? My brother is safe?" She wondered.

"Yes. Tyler is gone. For good. Also, your brother is safe with Jeremy." Klaus informs as he scoots closer to Serena told hold her hands in his.

"That's good." She nods, "I'm glad your okay." She adds with a soft yawn. Serena pulled one of her hands from his hold and caressed his gorgeous face. "Did you get hurt? I see you have some bloodstains." She worried as she looked at his abdomen to see dry blood on his clothing. 

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me." Klaus reassured, placing his hand on top of the one she used to trace the shape of his face. "Do you forget that I am immortal?" He says with a small laugh.

Serena chuckles and releases a sigh. Preparing herself for what she's about to say. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Tyler. That I lied. He just warned me not to bring anyone or he'd kill my brother." Serena explains, looking into his green eyes with a sad look on her face. She felt like she betrayed him or that it came off as if she doesn't trust him with anything.

Klaus raised her hand to his mouth. He placed a long kiss and gripped her hand a little tighter. "It's okay, love. I'm just very happy I got there when I could. I'm glad you're safe and alive." He says.

"Speaking of which; how am I alive? I could've sworn it felt like I died. The last thing I heard was your voice and felt my last breath leaving my body." She spoke as she thought to herself.

Klaus thinks to himself as well. Thinking whether he should tell Serena now or later. "We'll chat about that later. As of now, I need you to rest." Klaus suggests as he pulls her closer to him.

Serena decided to lay her head on his chest and Klaus wrap his arms around her. Kissing her forehead after they got comfortable.

"I love you, Klaus." She suddenly says.

Klaus looked down at her. Completely surprised. Klaus couldn't even remember when was the last time he's heard those words.

He was taken from his thoughts when he notices Serena shifting so she could look up at him. "Always and forever." She includes, softly smiling.

Klaus' quicken heart pace came to a steady beat. His stomach felt like they were full of butterflies and without knowing, a smile grew on his face. He stared at Serena with loving and fulfilled eyes.

He lowered his face and place a kiss onto Serena's lips.

"I love you, too, Serena."

GODDESS ━ klaus mikaelson (vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now