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      THAT night, Serena could not get any sleep

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THAT night, Serena could not get any sleep. Many thoughts were running through her head. All she could think about was Klaus and why Damon and the others want her to stay away from him.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and stared at the ceiling.

"What is wrong with me?" Serena question to herself. She sat up and got out of her bed. "Maybe I should get something to eat." She also said. In hopes that eating will help her forget about everything.

She slide her sandals on and quietly walked down the stairs. She was scared that she might wake her parents or brothers up.

Serena enters her kitchen and sets up her coffee machine. She then searched her fridge and found a piece of chocolate cake in the back. "Mmh, looks yummy." She hums, licking her lips. Getting ready to devour the cake.

Just as she was getting ready to eat, she heard a knock on her front door. She narrows her eyebrows and turns to where the knock came from. Serena eyes went towards the porch slide doors and saw a dark figure standing there.

"Ahh!" She yells. The figure quickly came out of the shadows to make himself visible. "Klaus?" She questions, confused by his presences. She walked towards the doors and opens it to let him inside. "Come inside." She invites. "What the hell are you doing here so late?" She asked.

"I-" before he could continue, footsteps were being heard coming down the stairs.

"Get down!" She whispers, loudly at Klaus. He kneeled down in front of her with the island covering him and Serena stuck her head out to see who it was coming down the stairs.

"I heard you yell. Are you okay?" He questions, holding a bat in his hand.

"Yes, I'm fine. I-I thought I saw a mouse." She lies, scratching the back of her head, nervously.

"Okay, be careful. Good night, sweetheart." He then says.

"Good night, dad." She smiles and watched him go fully up the stares. "Okay, you can stand back up." She told Klaus.

Klaus stood up and brushes his pants down. "I just wanted to come and see you again." He finally replies, looking down at her.

"Why?" Serena quizzed.

"I honestly don't know why. I just yearn for your presences." He answers, honestly.

"I-I honestly can't, Klaus." Serena speaks, lowering her head and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You can't what?" He asked moving closer to her.

Serena looks up and sees him standing close to her. "I like you. I obviously find you awfully attractive, but there's obviously something happening between you and the others. I just don't want to put any of my friendships at risk." Serena explains.

"But I just want to get to know you more. There's just something about you that just compels me to want to get to know you more." Klaus says and Serena stares at him with her eyes tearing up. Feeling emotional because she continues to fall for him when she knows she shouldn't.

"I feel the same way." Serena states, "but I can't. It wouldn't be fair to Bonnie." She adds and Klaus eyebrows rose.

"What are you talking about?" He questions.

"She told me that you two use to go out." Serena answers, taking a step back to open a space between them. "Now you should go. It's late and my parents might wake up." Serena adds, walking past him, but only to be stopped by his grasp.

"That isn't true, Serena." Klaus says, "I never dated any of those girls." He continues and Serena looked back at him, "they're definitely not my type."

"Are you serious?" She asked and he nods. "So why would she tell me that?" She then wonders.

He releases his grip on her wrist and shrugs, "I don't know." He said.

Serena shakes her head and looks up at him, "you should go." She says her voice cracking a little. "It's late and I have things to do tomorrow morning." She adds, looking away from his compelling eyes. She wraps her arms around herself and stared at the ground until he leaves.

He didn't move.

"Klaus," Serena speaks lifting her head up and moves in front of him. "You really need to go." She pleads making eye contact.

He stared at her for a couple of seconds. Then feels himself wanting to move in closer. His face flew towards her like a magnet. Their nose touching and lips centimeters away.

"Klaus," Serena whispers against his lips. Her eyes closed, wanting to kiss him so bad, but she had this feeling in her gut telling her not to do so. So, Serena pulls back, "goodnight, Klaus." She spoke. She turned her back to him and after a few moments of silence, she heard his foot steps fading away.

"Goodnight, Serena." He whispers, loud enough for her to hear. She closes her eyes and heard the front door close. She starts to think. She continues to wonder why they don't want her near Klaus. Then she wondered why did they make that lie up about Bonnie dating Klaus when it isn't true.

"What are my friends keeping from me that they don't want me to know?" Serena questioned to herself. Just then, she quickly ran towards the front door and went outside. "Klaus!" She calls.

He turns around and stops walking. She chases towards him and stops right in front of him. She places her hand on her knees and tried to catch her breath, "wow I need to start working out." She admits. Klaus held his hand out so she can use to stand up straight.

"What wrong?" He questions.

"Why did Damon say that he needs to protect me from you?" Serena asked. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion and she played with her fingers behind her back.

"I can't tell you." He said, "they should be the ones who tell you."

"Tell me what? How bad can it be?" She asked, "are you guys like killers or something?" She playfully jokes.

"There's just some things that you can't know about someone." Klaus replies.

Serena scoffs and shakes her head. She crosses her arm over her chest and bit on her bottom lip in anger. "Fine. Then leave." She snaps, "cause I'm not going to do this. You guys don't want to tell me then I don't want to know about it." She add. Serena turned on her heel and stormed away. Klaus called her name a few times but she ignore each call.

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