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Ana sat bolt upright. She had overslept and had a terrifying feeling that she was still in Draco's bed. But when she looked around, she was in her own dormitory in Gryffindor tower. Panting, she rubbed her forehead with her hand and smiled softly to herself. How had Draco done that, made her magically appear back in her own bed? You couldn't apparate inside Hogwarts, so had he carried her, all the way to Gryffindor tower? How had he gotten in? And how had she not woken up? It was a complete mystery to her how she had ended up back in her bed and she vowed to ask Draco later what kind of magic he had used. But her mind filled with thoughts of last night, of Draco's lips and his soft fingers stroking her in the dim light of his Slytherin dormitory. Ana shivered. Draco was his own kind of magic.


"No magic? This is defense against the dark arts," Ana complained, furry rushing through her. Professor Umbridge was being just as terrible as they had all expected. Ana heard a small scoff from behind her and knew that Draco was laughing at her. She rolled her eyes to herself, not turning around. Did he want to sit in a classroom reading books and getting a "safe experience" in a "controlled environment"? Even Draco had to know that this was ridiculous. But it made sense to Ana why was this was happening. The ministry denied over and over again the return of you-know-who and Professor Umbridge was an extension of the ministry.

Harry argued with Umbridge fervently, as did some others, but soon they were all silenced.

"Detention!" Umbridge called out in her high pitched voice. It was directed at Harry, of course, because he had insisted that Voldemort was back.

In the corridor after their class, Ana walked side by side with Harry towards their dormitory. They were both downcast, pissed off at their new teacher. Suddenly, Ana saw Harry get pushed aggressively out of the corner of her eye. Someone had pushed between them, bumping his shoulder against Harry's with force. In the same moment, she felt a cold hand graze her own and squeeze.

"Potter," Draco spit out as he passed, turning back to look at them. Harry was regaining his composure, about to tell Malfoy off. But Draco winked at Ana and kept walking, further down the corridor. If this was Draco's way of flirting with Ana, trying to find a way to touch her hand, it didn't work very well. Ana glared at the back of his blonde head angrily as she turned the corner with Harry in the other direction. She looked over and Harry's fists were clenched. He looked ready to explode.

"Hey, relax. It's only Malfoy," Ana said, trying to calm him down. Harry scoffed angrily.

"I'll see you later," Harry grumbled, turning around to walk the other way, alone. Ana had no idea where he was going.

Later that day, Ana was walking through the deserted hallway on her way out of Severus' class when she felt a hand clasp around her mouth. She had been on her way to the library, hoping to find Draco there to tell him off for bullying Harry just for the sake of touching her hand, but instead she had been pulled into the vacant girl's bathroom and was looking him right in the face.

"Draco!" Ana exclaimed, turning around and shooing off his hands. She was angry and Draco did a double take. Ana stood in front of him in the empty bathroom, crossing her arms.

"Why so cranky?" Draco teased. Ana huffed.

"You know, if you think that being unbelievably mean to my best friend is going to win you favor with me, you must not know me very well," Ana snapped. She was fuming, but Draco thought that she looked rather cute. He hadn't really meant to piss Ana off. Draco had only wanted to touch her hand as he had been unable to get his mind off of her all day.

"I thought it was kind of clever," Draco said cockily, walking towards her. She couldn't find the will in her to back away from him, as she had been missing his touch. But she wouldn't let him win this time.

"It wasn't. You were being vile," Ana said angrily.

"Vile? Me?" Draco said, still amused.

"It's not funny Draco," Ana stated. Harry had enough on his mind without worrying about Ana's secret boyfriend abusing him. Draco stepped in closer, touching her cheek with the back of his hand. He smiled mischievously at her.

"Kiss me," Draco whispered, brushing his nose against hers. Ana's stomach fluttered, but she refused to break, even though she had vowed to kiss him whenever he asked.

"Not until you apologize," Ana said sternly, ignoring Draco's lips that were now trailing down her neck.

"Hmmm..." Draco murmured, brushing his nose at the soft spot behind her ear. Damn him, he knew that this would drive her crazy. Ana softened a little, but was still waiting for an apology.

"You can't use Harry as a pawn in our silly games," Ana said quietly, her voice sounding not at all angry anymore.

Draco didn't want to apologize, as he wasn't sorry. He thought that Potter deserved a little torment. But he trailed his lips up to her ear and kissed her earlobe.

"I'm sorry," Draco breathed in Ana's ear. She uncrossed her arms and took his face in her hands, immediately leaning in to plant a quick kiss on his lips. Draco sighed. He had been waiting for this all day. He felt very hungry for her and didn't feel like containing it. So Draco picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Ana's heart clenched. Draco set Ana down on one of the sinks, pressing her up against a mirror and Ana kissed him with passion, slipping her tongue into his mouth. She was hungry for him too, keeping her legs tightly wrapped around his waist. They kissed for several minutes, trying to get as much of each other as they could to last until the next time they could slip away. Soon, Ana realized she was going to be late for Transfiguration so she reluctantly hopped off of the sink, planted a quick peck on Draco's lips, and left the bathroom, blushing from head to toe.

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