Chapter 30 : Let's sort the things out.

Start from the beginning

"Are you crazy Chris? We're just friends, in fact he's the only friend I've had here since I am in CA. we do kiss often..on cheek" I ended my word with a pause to clarify my point to this idiot.

"Well, I don't find it cool as I didn't like it and I don't want you to meet him henceforth."

My blood started boiling. Not one day has passed since we've met after two years and he's started controlling me instead of having some good communications. I shoved him and move inside my closet. Not meeting Harris isn't going to happen, he's my best friend ever since I have come in CA. Just thinking about this scenario gave my eyes hot waters , where another part of my life is disturbed and the reason again is Chris.

I came outside with handful of panties and bras and started shoving them inside the suitcase. I didn't have the power to argue with him at this point but surely I will change his mind, every part of his mind.

I notice a hand that encircled my waist from behind, it was obvious who it was. He placed his chin on my shoulder and inhales my scent. He moved my hair at one side and started kissing the nape of my neck.

I held his hand and forcefully remove it from my waist and again went inside closet. Before I could move in the closet he held me by my arm and pulled into him.

"Look at me." He said while holding my face in his large hands.

I fixed my gaze on his shoes. He held my chin and tried moving up. He's gone bipolar as well his mood changes within seconds.

"Baby, please look at me."

He can make me do anything just by speaking this. Although I looked at him and notice his soft gaze but my anger did not melt away.

"I've missed you so much." He whispered and pecked my lips softly.

"Let me go" I spoke clenching my jaws.

He smile and shake his head no. aren't he getting that I am annoyed?

"Chris.. let me go, I am least interested in talking with you now."

"Why?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why? Is that really required to be answered? You come here and meet me after two years and instead of talking like a normal person and apologizing for your mistakes, you make me leave here against my will, you deal over me as if I am an article, a commodity. Not once did I expect you'd do something like this. Then again you pull me hard to prevent me giving a goodbye kiss to the only dear friend I have had here since past two years and end up giving me this bruise." I show him my wrist which was now swollen and see his face turning pale. He reaches forward to take my wrist in his hand but I myself step back.

"And that wasn't sufficient when you ordered me not to meet my friend why? Because you don't like him." I ended up sobbing on my bed. It was all the emotions that were collected inside me that included meeting him, then Harris and most for the how he dealt over me.

He kneeled in my front and placed his hands over my knees. I move my head up to see him seeing me.

"What?" I growled

"See, I know I am a loser, a shitty jerk and a complete idiot. But I can't help it, i.. I love you so much and I can't lose you please don't cry."

"And this how someone loves huh? By controlling them, by forcing them to do things against their will? You must know I can never love anyone but you." I yelled

I can never love someone like this. The Chris I used to love was a happy man not an arrogant possessive jerk who is impossible to understand.

"I don't know what to say now, but.. I can't lose you this time. I won't let you go at any price"

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