24: jaminmaninala -frank

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If you want to make a sad part is of the story sadder just play silent lucidity while reading...

"he's still asleep?" I hear Jamia ask.

I open my eyes.

I sleepily say "wassup jaminmaninala" still laying down.

She smiles "how do you even spell that?"

I shrug, "who knows? How's life?"

"Pretty good, how's hell out there?"

I attempt to sit up but Gee's being a little shit and won't move. "Can you move..." He shakes his head.  "just slightly, I just need to sit up," He sighs and moves slightly, I'm just able to sit up. "Sorry he's being a shithead right now." I finally see Jamia, him still sitting on me.

She laughs, "you guys are like a literal couple, I swear, remember when we would watch Dan and Phil's old videos and we would joke about them dating?"

I laugh, "yeah, Did I tell you that Phil's my teacher?"

She smiles, "How did he manage that? Wait, why is he in jersey?"

I shrug, Gerard smiles, "I met Dan a few days ago, he's really nice."

"Ok, so a shit part of Jersey holds our favorite YouTubers, and you happen to move there and you grew up there. Didn't you mention a childhood friend lived there, did you find them?" She gushes out in like three breaths.

I shake my head "no, but like," I show her my wrist, "but they're my soulmate apparently, so we're trying to find him. It's like appearing, slowly so when it stops, I guess I can find them."

"Holy shit that's so cool, I know that one's common but like that's still cool, instead of just appearing it slowly appears... " she smiles.

I nod and Gerard starts talking, "did you know that it's because his soulmates birthday is before his... if they have the tattoo, it'll just appear on their birthday, but you'll see it

"Of course you do you rainbow dick" I tease him.

Jamia looks confused, "I won't ask... um, Frank why are you spending the night? Unless you're going home at.... It's fucking, midnight Frank,"

this part will talk about his attempt

"I'm spending the week here..."

"Frank what happened?" She asks.

"Did you hear about Alexis?" She nods, "well she convinced me that Gerard beat her up, and you know how I am with shit like that... Um I hurt him," her eyes widen, "when I realized what I did, I was done, I didn't want to hurt anyone again so I, uh, ran home and I a-attempted, he found me , and he stopped me." I tear up a bit.

"Are you okay now?" Jamia sniffles. I nod, "I don't care if you're being an asshole okay? You're like my fucking brother and I love you, so if you're ever like that call me. I don't care what you did to me, you are family to us," she starts crying. She stops for a second, "Gerard, thank you so much for saving him, can you hug him for me?" He nods and almost instantly hugs me. She wipes away her tears.

Slight sad is over

"Gerard what do you think you're soulmate would be like?" She asks.

"With my luck, a greasy rat..." He says.

"Oh like Frank!" She jokes.

He shrugs, before asking "how can you change conversation so quickly? Is that a rude thing to ask?"

"No it isn't, I have a magic called ADHD... Yeah I just say what comes to mind."

He nods, "if I did, people wouldn't think I'm what they think I am,"

I see the opportunity to tease him and take it. "Yeah, they think you're innocent, I know better, hell I saw your-" he covers my mouth.

"You said you'd pretend it never happened..."

"That's not what I said, either way, if I did I meant I wont mention it in school, and that doesn't change that I know you're ki-"

"Frankie, not right now"

"Y'all sure you aren't dating?"

We both shake our head quickly, "if we were, we would probably be making out by now..." I joke.

She shrugs, "should I ask what is about?" I nod as he shakes his head. "Someone tell me please"

"Nooo" he whines.

"Whine all you want it doesn't change the fact that I saw you hidden porn, and it was kinky porn,"

I look at her and see the regret and water. "Kksqdbt?"

"I opened his laptop and saw kinky fanfic"

"I give up" he sighs.

She laughs, "Frank, don't tease him, I opened your phone, remember that h?"

"Don't talk about that incident..." I groan.

She laughs, "exactly,"

there isnt enough soulmate frerard fanfics so i made oneWhere stories live. Discover now