9: learn some creative insults before I boil your toes -frank

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Idk if I mentioned this but most the time Gerard talks in a higher pitch then what he  sounds like naturally, idk if it  was mentioned. 

*screams* anyway, enjoy.

He's obviously hiding something, but I let it go. If it's important he'll tell me..

As we walk to school I ask him a question. "are you actually innocent or is it an act"

"what do you mean Frankie?" he asks.

"Like sometimes you talk in a slightly higher voice, and other times its slightly lower. when its higher you always seem act like you know about nothing besides shit like kittens" I explain. "its weird..."

"whacha mean frankie?" he giggles and starts skipping.

"you think I'm stupid? you can't innocently ask what you asked earlier" I chase after him and he giggles.

He giggles, running towards me "I never said that...boop" He giggles.

"you ass, your not the innocent boy everyone thinks you are."

"yes I am" he laughs dragging out the 'a'.

"you easter egg, you wouldn't know you're innocent if you were truly innocent"

He turns to me and stops the high pitched again "how would you know Frankie? You aren't innocent..." he looks me up and down, smirks then skips away giggling.

God this boy will be the death of me.

"Gerard you... rainbow dick."

"I know" he laughs.

This continues the whole way to school.

I grab his back pack. "I have no idea where I'm going"

I give him my schedule.

"lets see... you have... history with me" He says.

We walk to history and sit at a table together.

Politics is on the board.

I sigh.

the teacher is looking at me while I'm starring at Gerard "frank" I look at him. "what are your views on abortion?" he asks.

"dear god, its stupid that its controversial" I sigh. "its not murder when its aborted, It shouldn't be political"

"lies" someone boy coughs out.

"all it does is control people... and its messed up, you wont stop anyone, it'll just get more dangerous for the person. Some people need abortions for they're health or the victims of fucked up people, that's the last thing they need. what about the trans men, that could be harmful for them."

The teacher looks at me impressed? "what if your mother aborted you?"

"Well for one I literally wouldn't exist so I wouldn't care anyways it doesn't matter to me, her business not mine"

"what about feminism?" she asks.

"it's saying society should treat all genders equally, I agree with that idea,"

"simp" someone says.

"like, I cant be a feminist without being called a simp. It is against toxic masculinity, and literally saying to stop oppressing woman, It basically says that someone shouldn't be treated worse in any way because their gender, that's just an example, it's things that are simply common sense, there's more to it though,"

"gay!" someone calls out.

I look at them, its Larry. "ok, for starters... You aren't straight..." I look around "neither are most of you, I hope y'all can learn to not be like that and I'm a bisexual, I'm not gay. Also how about you learn some creative insults before I boil your toes." I look at the teacher "what the hell does this have to do with history"

The teacher does that magical connect the random thing to the lesson shit.

Class ends and we leave the classroom.

Gerard takes my schedule, "see you at gym later"

~time skip~

Gym time.

I walk in and change when I walk out I see Gerard in shortish shorts and a ponytail.

I go over to him "hi"

"you know, since I left my group of 'friends' I feel free, ya know? I'm not worried about what I'm saying at all times" he says in a voice that seems natural.

Its beautiful. For a female its deep. but for a male, its feminine. Its more feminine but not at the same time. I like it a a lot more than what he normally sounds like.

"yeah... um-"

"yes this is my natural voice I know you were going to ask." he says

"It's pretty" I mumble.

"thank you." he says. he coughs and changes his voice again to the higher pitch "yeah that's enough of that."

"you're voice is amazing why change it"

"I don't know, it just happened." he says.

Gym is fine I partner up with Gee. funny enough we're playing basket ball. I don't do the best in the actual game. I would probably do better if people passed to me.

there isnt enough soulmate frerard fanfics so i made oneKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat