38: 8 years -gerard

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I know it's a bit early, but whatever, I would again like to thank all of you again, a lot more people than I thought would read this did.

Here's a quick epilogue like 8 years later,

Late bullets gerard and idk what era fronk,


I walk into the school that was once my own. 

Fuck that sounded dark or ominous.

Lets start over.

I walk into the this school that I haven't been to in almost 6 years.

That's half a lie.

I was here last week. 

Anyway, these hallways have so many fucking memories in them. Good and bad.

Mostly good.

I walk and remember more and more things. 

I don't know to be sad or happy when I walk past places like that bathroom that no one used or even the cafeteria. 

It doesn't take long to get to my new classroom. 

I walk in and smile. I sit at the desk and 

Sure teaching is boring to some, but I enjoy it, and I know there are many teachers that basically teach the stereotypes and things you're taught as a child. 

Most are lies too. Schools don't care if you have a degree, only if you can teach. 

So yeah, its fucked up. 

Anyway, I set up like last week. So all I really have to do is log in to my computer.

I should do that. 

I type the login and shit and look at the time.

I still have 20 minutes before class start.

I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in,"

I hear footsteps and look up. I smile, "hi Frankie,"

"Hi Gee,"

He smiles and just stares at me before looking away. I roll my eyes.


"We've been together for 8 year's now, stare at me all you want, it's not like you're some weirdo in a McDonalds."

"I married that weirdo."

"yeah, now you're stuck with him, how do you feel about that?"

"pretty damn happy,"

"good, cause he isn't leaving you,"

"that's fine with me."

"quick question, How did you get past security without me knowing?"

"I showed them our wedding photos and our school photos, and talked their ear off till they let me in,"

"of course you did," I kiss him.


"Sush, we both know how unsurprising this is,"

"Well, okay then Gerard," I giggle, "You're lucky you're so adorable." 

I poke his nose. "boop,"

"are you gonna start this?"

"no, I'm so fucking done with that shit, never again angel, never again,"

"that's fair," he says. He stares at me again, "you're pretty,"

"so are you baby,"

"I love you, so much Gee,"

His head is on my desk and when I kiss his nose he smiles.

"I love you too," 

He sighs, "it's been 8 years, I thought that this shit would change, like it's just so fucking amazing and you make me so happy."

"You make me beyond happy Frankie and I love it so much,"

I see a kid at the doorway, looking at his schedule and the room number, "Hi, I know its early, but can come in right?"

"yeah, of course."

Frank smiles at me, "That's my cue to go,"

"bye, I'll see you later," he says.

"bye Frankie, love ya apple juice,"

"love you too Easter egg,"

The kid looks confused and I laugh and shake my head.

I don't think I could ask for anything better.

there isnt enough soulmate frerard fanfics so i made oneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя