The Cure Quest - Because Vampires Are Clearly Into DIY Medical Solutions

Depuis le début

"Well, don't you look delicious?" Nik teased as he handed his wife a towel. She smiled at him as she took it, and he wheeled Connor out into the main room. "You feeling alright mate? Are the shackles too tight? Not that I would know how to undo them," he mused as Rebekah came waltzing through the door.

"How do you know he's one of The Five? Where's his bloody tattoo?" Rebekah asked as she surveyed Connor with a disgusted look on her face.

"Oh, the tattoos aren't visible on this lot, like they were on the others. Bit annoying really," Isa informed as she finished wiping the blood from her face, the red liquid a startling contrast from the green of her eyes. It was still thick in her hair and stained all over her clothes as if she'd taken a bath in it. "Can we eat now?" she asked impatiently and Nik smiled.

"Change first, my love. You aren't getting blood on those chairs."

Isa scowled at him but complied.

Fresh in a new outfit, Isa sat with Nik, Stefan, and Rebekah at the very same table she had to negotiate with Elijah and the Salvatores some time ago.

"I could kiss the Council for blowing up all the vervain in town. They've made my life so much easier," Nik smiled as his compelled wait staff brought out the food.

"But may they burn in hell for shooting up me and Bekah with wooden stakes in a foolish attempt to kill us," Isa said as she raised a glass of wine, clinking it with her sister's.

"Let me just name, the million other people I'd rather be having dinner with right now," Stefan said to no one.

"You're more than welcome to leave, Pet. Please let the door hit you on the way out," Isa said sarcastically as she sipped her wine.

Stefan rolled his eyes as Rebekah asked, "Why did you need me here? I think you are more than capable of dealing with the hunter on your own."

"We'll get to that in due time, little sister. First, as promised, Stefan needs to know about the original Five," Nik answered.

"Ah, Alexander. May he too, burn in hell. No offence Bekah," Isa said raising a glass again.

Italy, 1114
In the early years after they turned, meaning in the first century, Elijah, Rebekah, Nik, and Isa were making their way across Southern Italy when they came across a man known as Alexander. He had amassed crowds as he revealed the secret of vampires and how they burned in the sun. Elijah was slightly nervous of the man's presence as between them there and Kol in the east they had been far from discreet in keeping secret their true identities, with the amount of bodies they left in their wake. And what was even more worrying was that Rebekah had taken a fancy to him. They felt safe, however, in the fact that they walked unencumbered in the daylight as Alexander hunted for creatures that lurked in the night. It was perhaps the only reason that they agreed to have a lavish breakfast with their sister's suitor, but it was a false pretence as they planned to extract information about his life's purpose over the meal.
He had told them of his creation, how five men were bound by the dying breath of a witch to destroy all vampires. They had inquired as to how he had hoped to achieve such a feat when it was revealed that they had a weapon. The ultimate weapon. One which no vampire can survive.
A weapon that was found by solving a puzzle. The puzzle of the tattoo that decorated the arms and chests of the hunters. A map. A map that led to a cure.
A cure to vampirism.

Present Day
"Fat lot of good a tattoo is going to do us if we can't see it," Rebekah said and Isa and Nik shared a smile.

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