3. Courtney

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I sat on the top of the stairs watching as the Barry Carriage pulled away. It was such fun last night. Diana and I talked about anything and everything. It was the best, but I can't believe as was so irresponsible as to let us fall asleep. For all I know, Diana has come down with a horrible head-cold and it's all my fault. She could die, and then her parents would come and blame me, and then...

Stop it! I chided myself. You're stressing over nothing.

I stood up and continued with my chores.

She won't die, will she? No, she won't. Focus on cleaning this properly, or you'll have to redo it.


"I noticed you didn't come to bed last night," Ange teased as I climbed into my bunk in the servants quarters. "Whose the lucky girl?"

"No one," I retorted, blushing.

"Mhm. It wouldn't happen to be a certain Barry daughter, would it?"


She stared me down with her dark, black eyes.


"You know you're not allowed to."

"I know. Believe me. I know."

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