2. Diana

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That spring, Aunt Josephine invited us to spend a weekend with her in Charlottetown. My parents tried every excuse to get out of it, but Aunt Josephine would not hear of it. After many tries and many more fails, they managed to cut it down from a weekend to a dinner. Now we find ourselves in a carriage bound for Charlottetown.

Sitting in the parlor during tea, Minnie May became quite restless.

"Minnie May sit still," mother scolded.

"It's fine," replied Aunt Josephine. "She's probably just bored. How about you two go and play whilst your parents and I continue talking." She said it more like a command than as a suggestion.

We excused ourselves and headed out. Once outside I suggested we explore the garden but Minnie May just pulled a tongue at me and walked off.

Why is she so rude?

I started off in the opposite direction. The gardens were beautiful this time of year. Every bud was blooming, every bee was buzzing. It was so tranquil.

'So romantical' as Anne would say.

I continued along the path, absorbing its beauty until I saw a figure. She was sitting crossed legged on the grass with her back to me. I recognized that braid of her's anywhere. My heart did a flutter.

No it didn't. Maybe.

"Courtney?" The girl looked around and stood up. She was wearing pants! Is she even allowed to do that? But she did look so nice in pants...

No, she didn't.

"Miss Barry, I didnt know you were coming," she said brushing some grass off her legs. "Can I get you anything?"

"No I'm fine thank you." She nodded and sat back down again. "May I join you?"

"If you like."

I sat down on the grass next to her, the flutter turning into a pounding as the space between as lessened.

No it didn't. It most definitely did not.

"What are you reading?" I asked to break the silence.

"Little Woman," Courtney replied, not looking up.

"What's it about?"

"Um... it's about the life of four young girls who are trying to make ends meet after their father goes off to war." This time she looked up.

Gosh, those blue eyes are so beautiful. No they're not.

"That sounds nice. May I read over your shoulder?" She looked at me with a sideways smile, but nodded.

I rested my chin on her shoulder, looking down at the pages below. We sat like that forward seemed like hours until she closed the book.

"I think it's best if you head inside to begin getting ready for supper," she said looking at me.

"Oh, right, yes, that would be best," I got up and started heading inside. "Will you come to my room later so I can read another chapter?" She looked at me with that sideways smile again, but then frowned.

"I'm not allowed in the guests' rooms."

"Oh," I said, disappointed.

She suddenly perked up. "But I know just the place. I'll come by your room at eight. Wear something warm." I beamed, nodding and headed back inside.


I was sitting in the foot of my bed, dressed in fresh clothes, waiting. It was 8:02.

Where is Courtney? She should be here. Did something happen to her? Is she okay?
Stop stressing, she's fine.

I heard a soft knock on my door. I opened it and there stood Courtney, dressed and carrying a basket in the crook of her arm.

"Follow me," she whispered.

We crept along the corriodors. In that door, out this one. Around this bend and up those stairs. I got extremely disoriented. We had walked for what seemed like ages until we stopped at the end of a small passage.

Courtney pulled a stool under a large window, stood on it and pushed open the window. The cool night breeze blew in, making some stray strands of hair dance around her face. She climbed up onto the window sill and disappeared outside. I stood there for a second, uncertain, before I followed.

I came out on the roof and saw Courtney a couple of feet away on an outcropping platform. I crept along the roof until I reached her. She had laid down a blanket and was busy lighting an oil lamp.

"How did you know this was here?"

"I watched Mistress Josephine and Mistress Gertrude come up here many times," she replied.

I sat down and let her drape a blanket over me.

"Why are we outside?" I asked.

"I'm not allowed to be friends with you, the help aren't allowed to mingle with the guests, but I really want to be your friend, so it had to be a secret. Doesn't that just sound like such an adventure? Forbidden love between two people who just want to be friends."

Friends, that's what we are, it's the truth. But why does it hurt so to hear that? Shut up, you're
F-R-I-E-N-D-S. Come on.

"Okay," was all I could manage.

She opened the book and I assumed my spot on her shoulder. Bending myself to fit around her.

This feels right. No it doesn't. Maybe... NO!


I woke up with a bright light shining in my face. I opened my eyes and squinted.

Wow, that is a really bright lamp. That's not a lamp! It's the sun!!

I jumped up disturbing the person next to me. She woke up. Straightening her glasses

"Oh no, Miss Barry, we fell asleep out here!"

She jumped up, gathered our things, and we ran back inside.

"Diana! Diana!" I heard mother calling.

"Say you were just exploring before breakfast," Courtney whispered to me. She grabbed my hand and led me down the passage. My hand was tingling where she touched me.

No it wasn't. It definitely most certaintly wasn't.

Once we reached my room she let go of me and went to complete her chores. My hand felt cold and lonely once she was gone.


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