1. Diana

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I lay back on my bed, sighing. The snow had frozen over most of the roads on P.E.I, so Anne, Cole and I couldn't go home to Avonlea until it was clear. I was stuck here, in this house of bizarre people. I have come to terms with Aunt Josephine's lover. The heart wants what the heart want, but it's still strange. I just don't understand it. How can someone love another of the same gender?

I lay ther for a while longer, until I heard a noise? A peaceful noise. More like music, but it didn't sound like any music I had ever heard. I think it's a piano but I'm not sure. I got up and walked trough the corridors trying to find where it was coming from.

The music got louder and louder the closer I got to the ball room. I walk in and see young girl, maybe 14 or 15, sitting at the Grand Piano. She was playing so peacefully - I didn't want to disturb. I stepped closer and closer. She must have seen my reflection in the dark wood because she suddenly stopped and turned to look at me. Her startling blue eyes pierced into me through her square glasses.

"Can I help you with anything, Miss Barry?" She asked standing up. Her curly, light brown hair was braided down here back.

She is part of the help!?

"No, I'm fine thank you. I was just listening to your playing." She looked down, turning a dark shade of pink. "May you show me some more?"

"That would be highly unprofessional," she said.

"Right, right. Yes."

We stood there in an awkward silence.

I am allowed to befriend the help, right?

"I'm going to head back to the kitchen, ma'am. I am expected."


"What's your name?" I ask.

She smiled. "Courtney," and with that she vanished.

"Courtney," I whispered. A slight beam on my face.


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