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Tucker was standing in front of a certain type of tree. He was staring at it and he didn't realise that Agent Washington approached him due to the sound of his footsteps which indicates that he came to have a talk to Tucker.

"Well, Carolina's patched up again." Wash said as he approach the Tucker. "Grey really hounded her on the 'no more super speed' thing." He stop, right behind of Tucker who was still staring at the tree type plant. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen a civilian lecture a Freelancer like that before. It was... pretty entertaining, actually."

Tucker staring contest with the tree ends when Wash said that he never seen a civlian lectture a Freelancer. That caught Tucker's attention. With a heavy turn, so that he could face Wash and speak to him. And speak he shall. "Hey, Wash, uh, you got a sec?"

Wash looked at Tucker, searching something within deep inside his helmet or his thick skull about saying something idiotic. "I swear to god if you want me to look at another rash, I'm gonna hit you." As Wash said this, he was speaking quite fast.

Tucker was confused. What do you think I am? He thought. An idiot? Well, let's just start having a 'leader talk' with Wash. Here goes.

"No, it's just... it feels like every choice I make is worst." Tucker said. His voice wasn't the cheery voice you heard whenever Tucker open his big mouth. His voice sounded sad and it was full with guilt. Leadership guilt.

"Oh holy shit, you're being serious." Wash said sarcastically.

"Back at the canyon," Tucker began. "You told me to try to be better, and ever since then, that's all people keep telling me! 'Try this', 'Try that'. Well, I'm fucking trying and so far, all that happens is that I either get people killed or I ruin the mission! I mean, how are you supposed to know if you're making the right call?"

Letting that rant from Tucker takes a few seconds for Wash to understand. "Well... you don't. There's never really a right or wrong answer. You just have to stick with what you think is best."

"But what if what I think it's best totally sucks?"

"Then, you learn from it and you try again."

"Oh my god. It's like you people are a fucking loop." A paradox loop thingy? Maybe I should ask (Name) about it.

"Tucker," Wash's voice cuts Tucker's train of thoughts as he was trying to think what he should do to make (Name) back to the gang. "I know you're frustrated but you have to realize that making mistakes is just part of a deal." Just like (Name) jumping in front of me to take the shot from Locus. It was my mistake. "Even with everything you've screwed up, look at how far you made it. You're not the same person you were at Blood Gulch."

Tucker sighed. "...Is it bad that I kinda wish I was?" His hopes of saving (Name) was at its lowest point. He wanted to save her. She had done many things for them and they treated her as an equal. As one of them. A part of them. They were family to her.

"Yes!" Wash said. Under his visor, he was grinning after listening to Tucker's wish. "You were a terrible excuse for a human being." That offended Tucker. "Hey! At least (Name) had good comments about me!"

Wash couldn't contain the laughter that was trying to escape from his mouth. "I'm kidding." A few seconds later, "At least (Name) is still alive."

Tucker sighed, again. "You really think so? I mean, yeah she could be alive but what if Felix done something... y'know... stuff..." Wash glared at Tucker. Too bad that Tucker didn't see that face but he heard the voice when Simmons came.

"No, I won't allow it. (Name) is far too young for that besides, she's smart. She could figure out something. She has the looks, the voice, the personality. She is wonderful and I don't want Felix to get his weapons on her." Wash stated.

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