A bit of Wash

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"Good night, (Name)"

"Good night?... Hold on. Its not night. Its still 1 in the afternoon." I woke up instantly and felt regret of waking (Name) up. I didn't wake her up but her this close, the view of her face is breathtaking.

She looked so peaceful and beautiful. I move away the stray strands of her to the side, to see a good sight of her. I could stay here and admire her but we are still at war. Moments like this must be treasured.

I got up from the bed and suit up. The reason why I am in my room, was to have a refreshing shower. I was in the middle of suiting up when (Name) came to my room, with a blanket covering her body. I couldn't help to blush when she looked adorable and vulnerable at the same time.

Look at us, from what I've been through, Project Freelancer, betraying the Reds and Blues, helping Blue Team, and now, fightning against the Space Pirates.

For her, she was a girl who fall from the skies, a girl whom I tackled and taking the fall, a girl who even risked her life even though we've known her for a few days, a girl who I cared and lastly, the girl I kissed. We all have our story and I want ours to last. So that we could continue our story to the future generations.

Heh, I feel like I'm getting old, thinking about all that. I finished suiting up with my armour, except my helmet. I need a short moment with (Name) before going on duty. Grif stil haven't learn his lessons and I know what might make him. Running laps for everyone. It may be cruel but its for the best of them.

I put my helmet at my desk and kneel in front of the sleeping beauty. If York and North are here and are watching me, they'll probably tease and make fun of me. I could imagine them, jokering around, saying I'm getting soft and such. I do miss the old days, back when I was still a Freelancer.

Time passed and here we are. Still in a war. Fighting for what the freedom of the side we are in. Innocents died, their blood spilled in the act. People betrayed, back stabbed and lied just to win.

I sighed of all those heavy thoughts. After all, it isn't a role for us to have forever. The role we played in this act is just another show.

Wash, stop thinking about it. Remember (Name), remember why you are here. Another sighed escape my lips. I hear (Name) mumbling in her sleep. I smile came onto my face as I covered her body - until her neck - with her blanket.

I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Sweet dreams, (Name)." I put on my helmet and went to my door. A thought flashed by and I couldn't help to agreed to it.

I take a piece of paper and began to write some words for her when she wakes up. I bet she will miss me but duty calls. After writing the note, I placed it right beside of her and leave my room. I took one last glance, gazing at her and her face. As I slowly closed the door, I still could not take my eyes off her.

Aren't I a lucky guy? A guy who went through all the pain and suffering just to be with his one and only love.

Sometimes, I wonder... I wonder why...

Wash's Room : the Note

It said;

Hey (Name),

Wash here. I know that you'll probably wondering why I'm not there. Cuddling you. Just so you know, its not night time. Its still afternoon time, not night.

I know, I know. You'll nag me. Still, you're cute when you are sleeping.

If you need me, I'll be at the training room, giving everyone more laps.

Love, Wash.

~Chapter 27, End~

some fluff, I guess?


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