Happy Holiday! ft. Space Pirates

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The Reds and Blues are at the living room, eating the buffet that (Name) cooked a few minutes ago. The Feds and the New were currently having a snowball fight outside. Carolina was nowhere to be seen not even Church could pin-point her location. Wash, on the other hand was having a glare game with Locus. Felix was stuffing himself with the fruit cake.

"Hey, Wash." Tucker shouted. Wash stood his ground, not leaving his glare from Locus. "What," He said as Kimball and Doyle took note of Wash and Locus's glare match off.

"Where's (Name)?" Tucker asked. Caboose was playing with the ribbons. He was dancing in the background as a gymnastic.

Grif was about to steal more food when Sarge took it from him. "Hey!" Grif shouted. Sarge chuckled,"Its all about giving."

Donut was at the kitchen, with (Name). "So, the mistletoe is hanged..." Donut whispered. (Name) nod her head. "Now for the next thing." (Name) gave a thumbs up to Donut.

Lopez was holding a camera, he was hidden somewhere in the kitchen.

"Felix! Washington!" Donut shouted. "Could you guys help me for a sec?!"

Felix groaned. He put down the plate and dragged Wash away from Locus. Wash was still locking his gaze to Locus. Locus gave the middle finger to Wash. Wash wanted to say something back but Felix cut him off. "Fuck you," Felix cursed.

"What now?" Wash asked as Felix dropped Wash. He quickly stood up and saw Felix looking up. "What are you looking... oh,"

"Holy shit, Felix and Wash are under the mistletoe," Tucker stated. "Now be good kids and make up."

Felix grumbled with different kind of curses while Wash was wondering where was (Name). Heck, he was worried about her. Its Christmas and he wanted to spend his Christmas Eve with his loved one, (Name). The only person who can kiss him on the mistletoe was (Name) not Felix. The prick who stole (Name) away from him.

Wash take a deep breath. "Fuck you," Felix also took a deep breath. He didn't see this one coming from the Reds and Blues.

"(FULL NAME)!" Wash shouted from the top of his lungs. Like magic, (Name) appeared from the stairs. She pretend like this plan didn't happen or so she thought it was. "Yes?"

Wash motioned her to come closer. (Name) gulped before walking to where Wash and Felix were standing. Felix was still glaring at the mistletoe, he didn't notice (Name) until he heard her voice.

"What's the meaning of this?" Wash asked as he laced his fingers onto (Name)'s. (Name) looked up. Donut wasn't kidding about this, she thought. "Its a mistletoe, Wash." She smiled. "Don't you remember the rules for who is under the mistletoe?"

"Uh, ah, emm..." Wash stuttered. His stuttered caused Felix to rolled his eyes. "For God's sake Wash, if you cannot do it. Then I will."

"Hold up, (Name) belongs to me." Wash glared at Felix as he hug (Name). "She's not yours anymore."

Felix laughed,"You think you're so great with your freelancers abilities but one thing for sure, I kiss her first." Felix grabbed (Name)'s arm. "So, she's mine."

"Excuse me, Felix," Wash was holding (Name) closer to him. "For your information, I'm her hubby since the episode I was aired so back off trash."

Felix scoffed."Puh-lease, if you're her hubby. Where's her ring?"

"PLEASE KISS AND MAKE UP!" Caboose shouted from the room.

(Name) was making a poker face since Wash and Felix started their arguement on who owned (Name).

Upon hearing Caboose's voice, (Name) grabbed Wash and Felix's arm until their lips where place unto her cheeks. Both were wide eye and were blushing like mad. Felix quickly walked away from it.

Wash, on the other hand, his reaction was like a kid who has been caught of stealing a candy.

"So, uh, I... er..."Wash stuttered, again. His stuttering cause (Name) to giggled. With determination filled her heart, she took this opportunity to hold Wash's face and place a kiss onto his lips.

Donut waste no time to take a quick picture.

Wash closed his eyes, savoring the kiss. One of his arms were at (Name)'s waist, pulling her close to him and the other was at her face.

Donut quickly take the shot of those two. He wiped a tear from his eyes. "My little girl is all grown up," He sniffed.

"Did you see Sarge's latest video?" (Name) asked. She was sitting on Wash's lap, her head was at his chest. Wash was braiding her hair. "No, why?"

Ignoring Wash, she called out Church. Church appeared, sitting on her lap. "What's up?" He greeted.

"Did you see Sarge's latest video?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did. Why do you ask?" Church replied. (Name) gave a wink to Church. "Send it to the Blue Team."

"Oh, I see now." Church stood up. "I will. The Red Team won't know what will hit them." Then he disappeared.

"What are you planning, (Name)?" Wash asked as (Name) played around Wash's fingers. "Nothing~" (Name) sang.

"COME BACK HERE!" Carolina shouted. She was chasing the Reds while throwing grenades at them.

"You said they won't kill us if we made that video!" Simmons shouted as he drove the Warthog.

"How should I know this would happen?!" Grif shouted back.

"Will you two numbnuts stop talking and start driving?" Sarge asked oh so casually.

"Now, who's talking," Grif said.

The three Reds quickly drove off away from the two Freelancers and the Blues.

Felix, Locus, Doc, Donut, Lopez, and the rest of the Feds and News and also the Space Pirates are watching this scene. For (Name), she was sipping her (fav tea/ coffee) casually while sitting on the chair like an elegant lady.

"Worth it," (Name) sipped her beverage. "Lopez, are you recording this?"

"Si," Lopez was holding the camera and was filming the whole scene.

"FUCK! They are catching up!" shouted Grif.

~Merry Chirstmas and a Happy New Year~

So sorry for not updating! Im having vacation with my family and Im always busy with tour and such. When I came back to my home, I will update this!

Dont give up! You are filled with determination! 

And also, Im doing cosplan for upcoming future anime conventions...


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