PART 42🌟

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Healing won't happen overnight. It takes time. It's a process. Things will get better, I promise. So take it slow and breathe.
Repeat after me - This, shall pass.

You don't have to resist your pain. You are allowed to cry. You are allowed to grieve. It's totally fine to surrender to your emotions.
But never let them to take over you.

Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you made. Stop beating yourself up. You've done your best and I'm proud of you. You're human, you make mistakes. Everyone does. Not everything has to work out the way you want them to be.

Start over. If you fail today, start again tomorrow. Don't ever give up. Things will get better and I want you to believe in that. You are stronger than you think. Stop holding on to your past. You don't live there anymore.

Time to do you. Be painfully you. Live the life that you want. Chase your dreams. Remember, only you can define your own value. Give yourself limitless love. You deserve it.

Let go. Get rid of all negativity. Get rid of people who don't value your worth. It's their loss. Fuck them.

This is not the end. It's just a beginning of a new chapter of your life. Keep writing your own story. The world has so much left for you to discover. There's still so much to see, to do and to learn.

One day, you will wake up and your heart will no longer feel the pain. Though the wound is closed, leaving you with scars, it means the hurt is over and you've grew stronger.

Darkness won't last forever. You will heal in time.


01:51 pm

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