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Love is the greatest force in the universe. It’s a magical power. It’s the purest, deepest, and most intense feeling. It has the power to turn the ugliest thing into the most beautiful one, and yet, it can destroy us at any given time.

It’s unbelievable how a single emotion can show itself in so many different ways. It’s difficult to understand how something which is so pure and amazing can either make us the happiest or the most disconsolate person in the world.

When we think of love, we imagine it as a fairytale about two people who are madly in love with each other and who are destined to stay together forever. We think of love as being all about sunshine, butterflies, boxes of chocolates, romantic surprises, and true happiness.

We think of love as being the beginning of something profound, amazing, and flawless. We think of it as a genuine, deep, one-of-a-kind connection.
And this is the kind of love we all want to experience, right? We all want to experience the kind of love that leads to happiness and the lifelong union of two souls that are destined to be together.

However, not all couples are blessed to experience this kind of love. Not all love stories have the “…and they lived happily ever after” end. Because there’s another type of love that is not bright and happy. Instead, it’s gloomy and sad. It’s the kind of love one feels when they love someone they’re not meant to be with.

It’s the kind of love that’s not about sunshine and butterflies, but about darkness and pain. Tears and despair.
It’s the kind of love that’s not soothing or fulfilling, but damaging and painful.
Such love doesn’t present itself as a beautiful, blissful beginning, but as something that won’t even begin.
Such love can never blossom and thrive. Such love can never bring happiness and fulfillment to those involved.

Such couples are forced to part ways.
And that’s how some people discover the painful, dark side of love. They discover the pain of being so deeply and madly in love with someone, but not being able and lucky enough to enjoy that kind of love with that person.

They discover the pain of truly loving someone they can never have.
They discover that you can love someone with every part of yourself and still never get the chance to be together with that person. You can give your heart and soul to someone and still not being loved back.
Because the ugly truth is that sometimes love simply isn’t enough.

Call it destiny, faith, magic, or the universe, but there are plenty of other factors that prevent two people in love from being together.

You know, there comes a point in your life when you realize that real life love is nothing like the love you read about and see in fairy tales and romantic movies. Love is something that you need to work really hard both to achieve and maintain.

Just like you need to water a flower every day so as to stay alive and grow, you need to “water” love with hard work. And that means fully committing yourself to your partner and the relationship; accepting and cherishing the other person the way they are; treating them with kindness, compassion, patience, and affection every single day; being there for them on both their good and bad days.
You need to understand that love is irrational and that there’s no such thing as a smooth, perfect relationship. All couples go through ups and downs in their relationship. They’re faced with difficult challenges, obstacles, and tests every single day.

But, you also need to understand that you can’t leave at the first sign of trouble. You can’t leave without a fight. You can’t give up on your loved one before exhausting all the possible means of saving the relationship.
Because that’s what real love feels like. It’s hard. It requires effort, hard work, and commitment.

One more thing you always need to bear in mind is that we’re all unique individuals with different traits, beliefs, and behaviors. We all have quirks, annoying habits, and awkward preferences.

I'm thinking 'bout when i gonna end this book cause busy with my study.

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