Part Thirteen

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Tying up my hair finishing my look for tonight. I sat down on the stool in the kitchen to wear my shoes. I remembered what happen today in that cave. I wonder what it was and that sword, it looks familiar but I cant seem to click on it. It seems to belong to a snow pack. But how is that possible? All of the treasure of every pack vanished years ago.

"Alpha, wait up!" Jimin exclaimed to Yoongi as he was walking to the door. I stood up tapping the tip of my shoes on the ground one after another and walked towards the door.

"Come on Alpha just admit it!" Jimin said to an annoyed face Yoongi. "Admit what?" I asked but before Jimin said anything Yoongi cut him off saying that we should get going. Weirded out by him but I didn't question it.

Locking the door we proceeded to the backyard where others were joining.
When we got there, it was quite nosy, the amount of students increased this year for some reason.

"May I have everyone's attention please" announced the Head of Dorms, Jihoon. Everyone quite down and payed attention to him. I felt a tap behind my back and I turned around to see Eunbi. She greeted me so I greeted back and she sat down beside me.

"I won't talk for long so I will get start to the point. The principle has told me to tell you guys that we will go to the Southern Town" almost immediately everyone started to whisper to each other. "Now, settle down guys. The principle has stated that we should try and get to know other parts of the 'world' so we will start with the Southern Town first"

"What's the point on doing this?" a student raised their handed while saying so. "The principle said exploration plays a big part when we leave school and to some of us, example shape shifters, vampires werewolves and fairies exploration are apart of their nature. Navigation is something that we all should try and master. Humans also might need this. Doing this will help them grow. Well at least what have been said by the principal" Jihoon explained.

I just nodded and didn't really disagreed because I want to see the remains of other packs. Though, I don't know if they still exist. Eunbi nudged my shoulders, "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh nothing" 

After a quick briefing, everyone was asked to be prepared and we'll move on in 2 days.


I walked back to the dorm by myself. I couldn't see Yoongi and Jimin after the briefing even though they were quite taller than me. Taehyung was probably hunting for animal blood in the woods.

I jumped into my bed while thinking back of what happened today. I tried ignoring it and closed my eyes. I tossed and turned, sat down, just to lay back down and returned to the tossed and turning. I sighed and frustrated that I can't sleep. I approached my desk and look at the cloth hanging on my wall. I tugged one side and pulled it. Revealing photographs, notes and words all over the board which is the map of our world. I analysed one by one, from the runes of the snow pack to our said to be treasure. I never really researched about the sword before.

"I must of missed something..." I thought to myself.

"Well, surely you can't just conclude something with the information on this board" Snow said.

"You're right" I sighed.

"How about we go out to find that cave again?" Snow suggested it.

"Hell no, Snow. It's already night and we can't be caught missing" I scolded Snow.

"We can lie and say we stayed at Mum" said Snow.

"Our principal knows our mum, He will know if we are not actually there" I say as I arrange my books. Snow just huffed and didn't argue back. I sighed and covered the wall back again.

I sat back down on my bed taking the scarf that was hanging on my bed side close to my chest. I found it a few years ago under a pile of ruble of a house far into the woods where nobody goes. It's most likely belonged to one of the pack members. I liked the scent it has. This scarf though over a decade old, I still can 'feel' the memories it hold.

For some reason, I can feel this scarf has stories that could not be told.

A sincerity that could not be delivered.

I lay down in my bed, holding the scarf close. Sniffing it once in a while. I wondered how many stories of the wolves were not told. I wondered how many dreams were not achieved. I wondered how many lives that were not lived. I wondered how it would be if they were still here. Will it be a better or worst place? Will we still be excepted by this world?

What will happen if Me and Yoongi made our own pack?

Will they wipe out us too?

Sometimes I still feel their presents. It doesn't make any sense but I can still feel them. Like they are somewhere out there. It's impossible, obviously but I just really, really, really, really hope they are there. Somewhere.

Like how Yoongi and Jimin came. I wished they would came here.

I don't know but I'm missing them. I know it's ridiculous to miss something that I don't even know how it feels in the first place.

But I miss them. So much.



So heh, I know I said around May... but things didn't go out as I planned okay 😔 I finished taking my exams and we are expecting the results soon. Let's just hope I get it.

I apologize for keeping everyone wait. Life isn't just going my way this year and it's gradually getting more and more difficult. I'm kind of in a hard situation right now. I just hope everyone is patient with me. I know it's wrong for me to keep you guys wait, I'm really sorry. I'll be uploading and updating quite late again. So I don't really know when this story will end. I will try as best as I can. For now this is all I can give to my readers. Once things get sorted out, I might update in a constant manner again.

Also thank you everyone for understanding from my letter in the previous chapter. I really appreciate it and I'm so happy for all the support. Thank you, thank you very much. 😭

I will try my best, hope everyone has a great day and I'm praying everyone for their best.

Sincerely, Melody

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