Part four

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We walked to the flower shop to collect the flower mom asked me to pick up. On the way to shop, Seokjin kept asking me question about werewolf. I kindly answered all of it. I felt so happy. For once I have someone to talk about werewolf stuff to. I even asked question about Vampires. Some of the question were ridiculous and we laughed it off. I guess now I can see why Namjoon likes him.

We are now outside the flower shop. 'Hope Flower Shop' was written on a cute little sign board outside. We enter the flower shop and the first thing I notice was the smell. The floural smell filled the air. It wasnt a strong floural smell but soft, enough to make it comforting. Even the little bell chimed. We looked around the shop and see no one. It was quite a big space so we walked around to search for someone.

As we were walking around, we heard some splashing noises and a few glass click then we heard splashing noises again. It was quite for a while and suddenly we heard a big boom. We were surprised and ran to the direction. It came from behind the counter. We head to the room behind it.

Someone laughing like a maniac was the first thing we hear. We also see someone's back facing us near a coldron. With the aura near that person and smoke going around gave us the creeps. Then, that person turned around with a some-what creepy smile making Seokjin scared and jumped on me. I was surprised too and almost fell but not because of that person but Seokjin. I closed my eyes and was about to hit the floor but I didnt feel anything. I opened my eyes and I was slightly floating from the floor. As if the floor had an invisible pillow or something. I asked Seokjin to get off me. As Seokjin got off me, I can't control my body and it was floating. I panicked and tried to get down. I was flapping my hands everywhere as if I am trying to swim in the air.

"Sorry" Someone said, we looked and see a sweet innocent boy. "WHERE WAS THAT WITCH??? HE WAS SO CREEPY!" Seokjin screamed looking around the room for any sign of the witch but saw nothing. "Hehe, I'm the witch" The boy said scratching his neck. "What" Seokjin and I said in reunision. "Wait first of all can you get me down please" "Uhm... I can't I need my spell book and my spell book is back at home" He looked at me. "But how come you made me float like this??" "I always remember the spell for a friend" He said smiling slightly. 'Then, how am I gonna get off?" I asked now holding on to Seokjin's shoulders. "You might just have to wait for a while..." He explained. "W-what? I-Fine" I said trying to cling on Seokjin.

"Y/N, stop clinging on me, This body is for Namjoon to hug" He said trying to push me away gently. "Oh, Namjoon? Kim Namjoon?" The boy said. " Oh, you know him?" Seokjin said with a little sass of jealousy. "Yea he is my childhood friend" He said smiling brightly like the sun. We nodded. "We are getting off track here, who is Jung Hoseok? my mom said that I needed to pick up the flowers she asked for from him" I said still trying to hug Seokjin. "Oh, that is me, Ms.Kim's daughter?" The boy said. "Yea, Kim Y/N" I replied. "First of all I am sorry, Second please follow me" He said as he walked out the room. Seokjin and I kept fighting on the way out of the room.

The spell wore off and I manage to land safely you know, since I am a werewolf. "Here you go, the flowers your mother asked" I thanked him and as we were about to go out he asked something. "Say Y/N, I'm just curious if you dont mind" We turned to him gesturing for him to continue. "Your mom is human, so you are right?" I nodded. "When I saw your mom earlier, she had a brown hair and a bit of a tanned skin but yours are completely the opposite, you have white hair and a bit more pale skin" You laughed nervously and said "Heh, I-I h-have my dad genes, h-he passed a-away a few years ago" I said lying straight in his face. He stared at me at me for a while. He looked a bit shocked after that moment of silent but he tried to covered it. Seokjin and I felt a bit "I'm sorry for your lost, you may go back home" He said coughing a bit. We smiled and waved him goodbye. He did the same and gave him his bright smile. We walked out and Seokjin offered to walk me home. I rejected his kind offer and we went seperate ways.

Hoseok's P.O.V

What they didn't know was that I had a fairy with me the whole time but the fairy used his wand to make himself invisible. Fairies know when someone is lying or not. He kept bugging me that the girl is lying. I just listened to her and when she finished he told the whole story. I was surprised when he said that she was a wolf. I tried to hide it so they weren't suspisious of me. When they finally went out, he used his wand so turned into a human.

"Yeonjun, you better be honest what you said back then. She was a wolf you say?" I asked the younger male. "I know its hard to believe as they were wiped out by the human species years back but I just can sense it" I said trying to convience my hyung. "Yeonjun, you know what? How about you.. I don't know... stalk her? I mean just keep an eye on her" I said. "Really hyung, I can't be a creep and just stalk her" I said refusing.

"Wtf, why would hyung stalk a girl" said another fairy named Soobin. He came from the door with 3 other guys named Beomgyu, Taehyun and Heuningkai. "Oo! Oo! I wanna stalk too!" said Heunningkai. "Kai! No!" said Beomgyu and Taehyun in reunision. "Awww man :(" Said Heuningkai with a pout. "Seriously though what were you guys talking about?" Yeonjun and Hoseok explained everything to them. "Yeonjun hyung, are you lying to us?" Said Beomgyu. "No, I said what I said. Its true" Yeonjun sternly said.

"Okay, okay, stop. 1)Hoseok hyung, we shouldn't stalk anyone. 2) Werewolf was gone years ago and 3)Y/N sounds familiar" Soobin said pondering. "Oo!Oo! probally 'that' Y/N in our school. The smart one. Y/N noona" Heuningkai said excitedly. "We can show her to you, hyung" Taehyun said. The rest of the maknae line nodded. "Then, maybe we can ask her" Soobin said. Everyone agreed to go to the maknae line's school tomorrow.


Sorry for the really, really late update. I have no excuse :(

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