Part Twelve

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I opened my eyes only to be met by the glaring sun. I blinked my eyes a few time to adjust to the light. I heard rustling and slowly sat up. I held my head that was pounding, I still felt dizzy. I looked around and saw a black wolf with red eyes hiding behind the bush. I recognize that wolf. Its Yoongi. Yoongi came closer to me and I reached out to him. I held his head and pat him. I, for some reason felt emotional. Him and Jimin was the last of the Blaze Pack and I am the last of mine. All this years I thought I was alone, the last of my kind but then they came. I didnt realise and a tear slipped out of my eye. Yoongi walked around me and shifted back into his human form.

Yoongi didnt say anything and sat beside me. He held my face with one hand and the other he held one of my hand. He wiped away my tear and pulled me into his embrace. I was taken aback but I didnt want this to end. I hugged him back and cried on his shoulders.

Y/N, "I was so lonely without you"

He rubbed my back and said "It's going to be alright, I am here"

His voice sound soothing. For some reason, I didnt want to let him go. I want to be in his warm embrace forever. Be with him forever...

Then I slightly felt something wrong. I looked at Yoongi and he was slightly disappearing. I was surprised and started to cry. I didnt want this to end. He held my hands and said

"I am sorry..."

Y/N, "Yoongi, Please dont go. Dont leave me here again. All alone. Please,"

Yoongi, "It's okay, Jimin will take care of you"

I cried even harder and hugged him tight. He pulled out from the hug. He held my face and he slowly pulled in. He looked at my lips with teary eyes. He was about to kiss me when...

I shot up from my position and gasped hardly. I breathed hard like I just ran from the edge of the earth to the other non-stop. My head ached as I just adjusted my eyes for the surrounding. I looked around and I was in the same forest. Huh, what happened? I held my head and stood up. I suddenly heard rustling and looked towards where it came from. A couple came out from behind the tree.They seems sweet.

"Hello, little girl" The female said holding out her hand. I know I am kind off short but I'm not that small. I looked around if there is anyone else near us who can be actually classified as 'little girl'

"You silly girl, come here, you are the only girl there" said the man. I pointed towards myself and tilted my head. The both looked at each other and chuckled softly. Both of them took out one hand each for me to hold.

That action though, for some reason it somehow unlocked a memory, people that I know. Come to think of it, they do look familiar. I just cant put on my finger on it...

"Y/N, come here princess" I immediately shot my head towards them. How did they know my name? They slowly walked towards me, holding each others hand. I, for some reason, didn't back up as if I didn't want to. Actually, I cant even bring myself to move. They were getting nearer and they ended up in front of me.

The female cup her hand on my right cheek. I could see her eyes were getting teary. She stroked my cheeks as her tears fell down one by one. Suddenly she hugged me making me surprised. The man, after admiring both me and his wife, hugged me too. "You are all grown up now. My princess is grown up" He said. The lady stroked my hair and kept on crying. When I finally tried to hug them, it felt weird. My hands for some reason penetrate towards their bodies for a split second. I looked at them and they were slightly disappearing. I was surprised, what is going on with this disappearing thing? We pulled out and the couple looked at each other. "Y/N, our time is almost up. My sweet sweet...daughter" My heart fell when I heard those words rolled off the lady's tongue. What? I guessed they saw my confused face and chuckled while the man rubbed my head. "You still have the same confused face" he said.

I saw they were about to vanish and hurriedly grabbed their hands. Are they actually my parents? I held it tighter and whispered to them "Mother? Father?" My body felt warm and my eyes were watering. They nodded and also whispered out my name "Y/N"

I looked at them, admiring them as much as I can.

The last words that came out of their mouth before they vanished were...

"We love you"

I woke up to the sun glaring and the sound of a few chatter. I sat up and looked around. I saw Jimin and Yoongi looking down at me. "What happen?" I asked rubbing my head. I swear to moon goddess if this is a weird dream again just let it end please I said to myself.

Jimin,"We were out in the woods and heard a few rustling, we got suspicious of it and went to the source of sound. We searched and found you here laying on the ground"

"On the ground? On this exact place? Nowhere else?" I asked confused. "Yea, here nowhere else" Yoongi said looking at me annoyed. For some reason, that made my heart broke. I frowned a little and awkward silence fell on us.

"Alpha, we should return now. Its almost sundown and we need to attend the meeting" Jimin said as he broke the silence. Yoongi looked at him and nodded. "Y/N, follow us, we will bring you out" Jimin held took one of my hands and pulled me up. I brushed off the dust off me and the three of us walked back in silence.

Yoongi went further up front then Jimin and I so I tapped Jimin's shoulder and whispered to him, "Jimin, did I do something wrong? Yoongi kinda looks annoyed at me..."

"Well, yes and no. When we heard the rustling, we thought it was the werewolf we were trying to hunt the past few days. When it turns out to be you, he kinda got a little annoyed" Jimin whispered back to me.

"You were trying to hunt a werewolf? There is more?" I was kind of shocked. Is there a fourth wolf?

"Yea, I think its a she wolf. White fur. Yellow eyes. High chance the last of its pack. Omega" Jimin whispered. Those description feels familiar to me. Wait.. Are they trying to hunt me?!?! I should avoid them as much as possible when i'm in the woods.

We were still in the woods and I dont think we would get out soon. I started to think about the dreams earlier. Was it actually my parents? What are they warning me about? Who killed them? Did they actually die? and Yoongi... why was I crying? why did I hugged him? Why did I felt so heart broken seeing him? He isn't mine though and...

My parents? it is actually them? Why cant I remember their face? I just had the dream a while ago. The harder I remember, the more frustrated I was.

I was in a daze not paying attention to my surrounding. Without realising, I accidentally bumped into Yoongi. I feel on my butt and was about to scold him when someone interrupted me. It was again, one of the hall monitor of the dorm, this time female.

"Y/N? What were you doing coming out from the woods?" The older female asked in confusion. "Nothing Eunbi, just taking a little walk with them" Jimin helped me up once again and I regain my composure. "Oh, you must be the werewolf students, Nice to meet you guys" Eunbi held out her hands to shake hands with them. Jimin kindly shook hands with her and when she got to Yoongi, he didnt gave any reaction to her. Eunbi felt a little awkward so she pulled back her hands slowly and laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry Eunbi but he is in a little bad mood today so please dont mind him" Jimin said scratching his neck. "Well thats okay than. You guys should go back, the meeting is just in a few hours" Eunbi gave a warm smile to us and continue to went on with her day.

I scratched my head and said "I am gonna go now" awkwardly laughing I slowly backed away to run into the building

Sorry for the late updates 😭 Im gonna have 2 major exams this year and I am so pressured to get it so I have been leaving out writing lately but im trying to update now

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