Part Eleven

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It has been a few days since the incident. Namjoon is still distance with me. I'm getting worried of him. and Seokjin? I dont know too, I have seen him in a while. It's the weekend so most of the students are in their own dorm. I ussually go home to my mom on the weekends but I'm kinda lazy, maybe I will go later.

I am currently in the living room, peacefully reading a book. That peace was bond to be broken anyway when Yoongi disturb me. "Did any anybody ever tell you that you are a huge nerd, babygirl?" I sighed and looked up at him. "Stop with the nickname and who cares if im a nerd" I continued to read my book.

"Hey, Y/N wanna join us in the woods?" I stopped reading and looked up to the owner of the voice. "Heh, why are you asking me, Jimin?" I asked in a slightly confused but nervous tone. "Why the sudden tone, babygirl?" Yoongi smirked. "Uhm, nothing, I am gonna get going now. I wont be here for the weekends. I will be at my mother." I stood up quickly and took my bag, which I packed earlier. I opened the door only to be greeted by one of the hall monitors. The dorm hall monitors arent that strict, they just make sure no murder happens in the least...

"Mingyu? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Where are you going with the bag? Did you forget? We have DM night today" He said.

"What's DM night?" Jimin said as he came from behind. "Oh, it means Dorm Meeting night. Ussually when we have a meeting, it would most likely be about field trips or activities that are gonna happen at school and we are ussually gonna handle ourselves" Mingyu explained to Jimin and Yoongi.

"Meh, i guess skipping another week of not seeing my mom wont hurt" I shrugged my shoulders while putting my bag on the kitchen counter. "I'm gonna go out for a while, dont do weird shit in this dorm" I said glaring the two boys. "Pfft, weird shit? Say that to Taehyung not us, we are going out anyway" Yoongi said going out, hitting my shoulders in the process. Jimin muttered a sorry for him and continued to follow him.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door. I turned around to see Mingyu standing still. "What are you doing there?Standing there like a piece of statue"

"Oh, Nothing just that, its kinda intresting" He walked beside me. "What is?" I walked towards the stairs to go down.

"Nothing, just that, it's the first time for me to see a werewolf" He shrugged. "I always hear those words. Not much amusement to me, to me they are just my roommates"


"What why?" I looked at him.

"I mean no offence or anything thing but, why are they still alive? I thought all the werewolves were dead because of humans" He asked with a low tone.

"I guess its a miracle, the moon goddess wanted to save them" I replied.

"Moon goddess? Whos that?" The taller boy asked confused.

I realised that since there is no werewolf classes in school, they wont know what or who the moon goddess is. "Uh, no one just forget about who i said, " I said.

"Okay then have a nice day" We then parted ways.

I'm outside the dorm and it was slightly breezy. Autumn is coming. I sighed and looked around. There isn't much people. I sneaked into the woods that were near the garden of the dorms. I have to be careful because Yoongi and Jimin might be in the woods.

I didnt have any plans, I just want to walk around in the woods. Walking is these woods, sometimes I wonder, how would life be if the pack never got wiped out? Would I be walking in these woods, with my wolf friends? I wonder how much fun it would be living in a world were the wolves and humans live with each other in peace.

I kept on walking and went to the deeper part of the woods. For some reason, I never saw this part of the woods. I might have not used this path yet. I went deeper and end up near a mountain. Huh, mountain. I think I went to deep into the woods to reach the foot of a mountain. I looked up and I think I recognize this mountain. The thing was, this mountain is far north. Where, usually, no villager reach these parts of the woods. Instead of going back, me being the curious omega I am, I went to explore the foot of the mountain.

After a few peak here and there, I saw a cave just above. I shifted into my wolf form and jumped to the edge. I manage to hang off the edge and pull myself up. I change back into my human form and went into the cave.

I am not even on top of the mountain but for some reason it feels cold in here. Weird, wolf wont usually feel cold. Especially, wolves from the northern packs. Does that mean in here is actually seriously really cold? Logically, that means no human can step in here. Its super cold because even a wolf like me feel cold. I went further into the cave and started to see crystals. Why are there crystals in here.

I walked more and went into a space where the whole space is full of crystals. I was in a daze. It looks beautiful. I looked around and touched the crystal. It looks somewhat familiar to me. I observed it and it hit me. The crystal has a symbol of all the major packs of the werewolves. That is the 5 original major packs, Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Snow but the past decades there isn't much wolves from the original major packs. Huh, who am I kidding, there are only three wolves left and only one is from the a different pack. The ancestors of each pack, the 5 major wolves are actually siblings but I dont wanna go to much into it.

There were only wolves from the branches, the major clan to more than eight decade ago was, Blaze Pack from the Fire branch, Rain Pack from the Water branch, Breeze Pack from the Air branch, Oak Pack from the Earth branch and Crystal Pack from the Snow branch

I am so confused, what is this place? What are these crystal? I saw a stand in the middle of the room. I walked towards it and stood on it. The room full of crystal suddenly lit up. I was surprised and slightly stumbled back. I looked around and there were drawings on the walls. I couldn't understand it, no matter how hard I try to read it. I touched it and a wave of something hit me. It was filled with a certain energy. It made me dizzy and I pulled back.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a sword sheathed. I looked back and saw a sword. I walked closer and gasped. It was the legendary Snow Pack sword. It was said to possess great power and only the members from the Snow Pack is allowed to touch it. I reached out for the sword and it didnt repel me. I held the sword in hand and I was speechless. This is too much to take in. I got dizzy again. That energy, I felt it again. I let go of the sword.

Then, everything went black...


Sorry for the late update 👉👈
Its exam month and I havent had the time to write. I would usually be busy from 5am-9pm (Since I go to a very like what to be consider in my country "smart school" so hope yall understand) Thanks for being patience and the support 💜🥺

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