spirit of a girl

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I live in a small town (that I will not specify) in NSW, Australia.
This town backs onto a large Forrest that spreads out for miles and has a train line that runs right through the centre of it, splitting it into two sides.
The more wealthy side and the run down side, consisting of older houses and buildings.
Up until early this year, we lived on that run down side.
We were on a dead end road that ended at the forrest, and lived in the house right next to the train station.
Directly on the other side of the station was a public swimming pool and three well kept tennis courts. (We unfortunately live in a very sporty region)

We only lived there for just over one year, because the place was falling apart, and the energy there was extreme.
All though I've had my share of "ghost incounters" this was different.
But for now I'll only cover one aspect of it.

When we first moved in, we would often get a cold draft through the back door that faced the train station, and things would often go missing.
I can't be completely sure if it was her or if it was one of the other spirits, but it was mostly things a child would be interested in that went missing.

A few weeks went by, then things started happening at the train station.
The door of the station would fling open in the late afternoon when no one was there, the bench had been moved into the small carpark several times, and the motion sensing lights went off every 9 minutes between 9pm-12pm (to be exact) when absolutely nothing was there.

A month or two had passed by and we had gotten black-out blinds to stop the flash of the station lights at night. (Yes we were THAT close to the train station).
One night, the blind to me and my brothers shared room had opened, along with the window, letting in a cold breeze. We shut it, but struggled against the rust, this window hadn't been oppened since we got there.

The night after that incident, I saw a young girl (around 7-9) through the kitchen window while washing up after dinner one night.
She was sitting on the bench which had been moved into the carpark.
She had long dark brown hair and white raggs, and her skin was a pale blue.
I looked at her for a minute, but she just stared at the ground. I looked away and tried to finish the washing up as quickly as I could and when I looked up after finishing, she wasn't there anymore.

A week went past and my brothers and I found that none of our stuff had recently gone missing, and when mum went out for a smoke she didn't see the lights going off.
I hadn't told anyone about the night I first saw her, I was just relieved some of the things going on had stopped.

I shouldn't of gotten to ahead of myself.
On Tuesday, the following week, the motion detecting lights went ballistic and it was so windy a branch from the tree out the front fell down onto the path. Luckily we had nothing on the washing line that night.

The next day, things carried on as it did before I saw her. Lights going off, cold drafts, things going missing, the station door opening, and the bench being moved into the car park.
These were the occurances I connected to her. (There were other spirits that caused other things to happen at the time.)

A few weeks later on a Saturday night, I was sitting up late and binge watching some anime. I had the wooden back door open, but the half metal- half meshed screen door was open, so that a light breeze came through because it was a really warm night.
That's when I saw her again.
She was standing on the back porch, a few metres from the door, which was beside the TV. I was shocked at first, but I couldn't look away, wheather it was out of fear or curiosity I didn't know.
The closer I looked, I saw her long brown hair was wet and the rags looked like one of those dress things you put over swimmers.
She lifted her head and I looked at her  purple-blue lips, before making a huge mistake and staring into her glassy brown eyes. (Never make eye contact with a spirit kids)

Just then my brother came into the room asking when I'd come to bed because he didn't want to sleep on his own, which I hate to admit, neither of us really do.
I looked up at him from the couch and said something along the lines of "I'll be right there, help me tidy up first"

I glanced back at the door to find that she was no longer there. I yawned tiredly and hesitantly went over to the TV, which was right next to the back door, and switched it off before closing and locking the wooden door.

Not the next night, but the night after, I saw her again. Only this time both my brothers and my mum were watching TV in the loungroom, and the girl was closer to the door this time.
I realised she didn't look very transparent like most of the spirits I've seen, actually she looked almost solid enough to reach out and touch.

My brother caught me staring at the door and jabbed me softly with his elbow. He gave me that question look he does and I just stared back hoping he'd get what I was thinking, which he seemed to coz he just nodded.

Later that night I told him about what I saw, and what I had seen before that.
He was a little creeped out and worried for me, and I didn't want to admit it, but I was a little weary too.
She seemed harmless compared to some of the other spirits I've come across, but she still freaked me out.

My brother also suggested that the cause of her death was drowing. It made sense since the pool was right on the other side of tracks, and because her hair was wet and her skin was blue, and the most obvious reason that she was wearing some kind of pool related clothing.

For the rest of the time we were living there, she would randomly show up at the back door occasionally closer than other times, but she never came right up to the door.
But one night, a few days before we moved out completely, she came so close she was practically pressed up against the door. She then mouthed something, but I couldn't make out what she was saying.
And we've never seen her again since.

Sometimes I stay up at night thinking about what she could have said. My brother thinks she might have been saying goodbye because she would be lonely once I left, since I was the only one who could see her.
Sometimes I think that I shouldn't have tried to ignore her as much as I did, maybe she just wanted a friend who was still human and could see her .....Or maybe she wanted to lure me in, but I'll never know.

Sorry if this is a bit messy, I'm tired and thought of her again tonight and decided it might be a good story to share. If you have any ideas on it let me know.


The door looked like this but dented

And the dress thing was sorta like this

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And the dress thing was sorta like this

And the dress thing was sorta like this

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