shadow people?

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So I was just reminded of some past events of shadow people when I came across something about them online.

When I think about it now they've appeared in every home I've moved into. But they were most frequent in that particular house, and another house I've mentioned in this book before.

I feel as if they've been fallowing either me or my mother, hover I haven't seen them around for a while and I think they may have moved on?

Anyways I'll list some events I can remember as well as the place these events occurred.

Greta NSW. This was the house I first remember living in. I always saw them when left unattended or if I was in a room alone. I only ever saw them in the home or in the backyard by the shed. They always disappeared within seconds of me spotting them, and being so young I thought it was just my imagination.

For reasons I won't explain we became homeless and moved into my grandmother's house. I never once saw the shadow people there, and have suspicions that it's because my grandmother is Christian and had 'forbiden evil from entering' as she would say. While staying there however, I was absolutely petrified of looking out the windows at night or looking at the mirror, to which I see there is no apparent reason why.

Eventually we moved in a house by the beach in Port Macquarie. When we first moved in the whole house gave off this eerie feeling and I refused to sleep in a separate room to my brother. I saw the shadow people often here, but it was different to the last home I lived in. This time I was scared shitless of them and refused to be left in a room alone. I think I was scared because of the things my grandmother had told me about demons and evil spirits.

There was a time I overheard my mother crying on the phone about a dream she apparently had; she awoke to my new baby brother at the time and had tried to go calm him, but a heavy weight pushed down on her chest not allowing her to breathe and when she finally was able to get up she couldn't get to the baby because aggressive shadowy chicken were pecking the flesh from her feet. She then woke up in bed with a cold sweat and saw a tall shadow man in the corner of the room next the the my brother's crib.

After that nothing happened until we moved into a large old house in Warchope (NSW). I had continuous night terrors where I ended up in the playroom next to my room, the kitchen, or at the door of my room.
Everytime I awoke from the night terrors I saw a dark hooded figure, but only ever in the corner of my eye.
I had my own room at the time and often had my brother sleep on the spare mattress in my room, which would stop the night terrors.

The house had this heavy atmosphere that was almost suffocating and shadows lurked in almost every corner.

Eventually we moved again to a villa in Armidale. The place was perfectly fine until the last few months of our lease. I saw a shadow person in my room after being awoken by my cat. It stood at the end of my bed and I stared at it still half asleep. This was the first one I had seen face to face and it had been a while since I had last seen one. I rubbed my eyes and looked back to the end of the bed and it had vanished. I was spooked that it was watching me sleep and couldn't stop thinking about what might've happened if my hadn't woken me up.

I slept in the same room as my brother's until the lease was over and we moved into another house in Armidale.

It was an old brick house with a nanny flat in the backyard.
The house was a little off, but we eventually warmed up to it, despite it doors and windows getting jamed and small objects going missing. We didn't think much of it, as being an old house things might jam up and my youngest brother never put things back where they belonged.

Then we decided to check out the small granny flat out the back after finally receiving the key from the real-estate. When we unlocked and opened the door I swear I say several shadows move as if sucking away and hiding. After that things in the house would break, like door handles for example would fall into your hand if you touched them. We steard clear of the side of the yard with the nanny flat because of the eerie vibe it gave off and the fact that we often saw the shadow of a person peeping around the corner of it, or looking through the window.

We then moved to a small old house Kendall. I knew the moment we moved in that it was going to be something wrong with this place, that was an understatement. That house was the most haunted house I have ever lived in. This house was full of odd and supernatural occurrences. But the thing I'm currently talking about is shadow people. There was this one shadow person that I actually got to know well. He seemed harmless and bearly brotherd me. He liked to move things around, almost like it was a game. In this house I was also affraid of the looking out the windows or looking in the mirror, but I still don't know if that's related to the shadow people in particular.

I know my brother had caught a glimpse of him once because he got freaked out and told me. There was also this time my mum told me she thought someone had broken into the house when she saw a dark figure in the corner of her room that looked like a young man, but he disappeared when she looked again.

A while later we moved into the house I'm living in now. I've only seen a shadow person here twice, and it's been a really long while since then.
One time was the night after the whistling sleep paralysis I had, and one was when I arrived home from school and no one one was home, causing me to wait in my backyard until my mother and brothers came back.

Anyways this is probably pretty boring to read because it's just bits and pieces of times when I've seen these 'shadow people'. The only real reason I wrote this is because I rembered some things and thought I should write them down.

Anyways bye for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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