room with no cross

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You may not believe in demons or evil spirits, but I sure as hell do, and i've been encountering them since a very young age.
Here's a story of mine from early 2019, y'know before the world became alot more chaotic.

It was nearing the end of term one of school and I was dealing with some bullies at school for various reasons, so my mum decided we would start the one week holiday we get between term one and two early.
She yanked me out of school and took me and my brothers down to Victoria to see my pop who we hadn't seen in a while. (We live in Australia)
She took it as a chance for us all to catch up and meet his new wife.

The first night there was great, and we all got along really well. His wife is Christian just like him, and she was very nice, caring and accepting.
Because they were both Christan, there were crosses in almost every room, all of them where unique and most looked hand-carved out of wood.
I think the only rooms without a cross were the kitchen and one of the guest rooms, which me and one of my brothers shared.

The next day we went to a science museum, which me and the brother I was sharing a room with, were really excited about. We practly dragged mum and our other brother along everywhere, we were like kids in a candy shop.
Eventually we had to meet up with our pop and his wife at the Plaza, so we went to the gift shop and bought something each, before we left . I had bought a magnetic sand timer and my brother bought a Newton's Cradle.
(Newton's Cradle so you don't need to google it↓)

We got back to the house and everything was great

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We got back to the house and everything was great. Then it was time for bed. But that night I was feeling an unneasy sensation, and I wanted to avoid leaving the cross covered loungeroom for some reason.
After all these years of unneasy feelings, you'd think I'd of learnt to trust my gut. I'm just to stubborn to take 'petty' precautions I guess.

Just like the night before my brother and I got into bed at 9:30, him falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow just like always. Me being the unfortunate night owl I am however, stayed up until 11 o'clock playing games and watching YouTube on my phone.
It was 11:45 when I heard my brother climbing down the ladder of the bunkbed we were sharing.
I had asked him what he was doing and he told me he had a bad nightmare. I tiredly groaned back as a reply to his answer and he left closing the door, while I went back to watching.. 'anime' on my phone. (Don't judge me)

A few minutes later, i heard what sounded like glass smashing through the sounds of earphones. I sat up, taking my earphones out, and moved my head slightly out from underneath the top bunkbed to look around the room. "Ping". The sound of something bouncing off the roof startled me, making me look up just as something falling had narrowly missed my head.
I sat there in shock wondering what in the hell had almost impaled me.

I got up and walked to the lightswitch, turning it on and observing the room closely. There, next to the sliding cubbard, was my magnetic sand timer spilt out onto the floor, and right next to my bed was the top of the timer. It looked like it had been perfectly cut from the timer, a perfect disk shape, with a smooth sharp edge.

I so badly wanted this to have a logical explanation, like the timer fell of the desk, the top popped off and hit the roof and then bounced off it right near my head. Which is what I really wanted to believe. But thing is, the desk is on the opposite side of the room to the cubbord and I had placed the glass timer back in the packaging after I used it, to keep it safe.
I walked over the desk where the timer was supposed to be, and saw the box it was in was closed.
What scared me even more was that my brothers Newton's Cradle was all tangled up, like impossibly tangled, so much so it was beyond repair.

No-one had come into the room since my brother left. No person could have done it because I would of heard, my earphones weren't up very loud because the house was quiet, and I checked both the cubbord and under the bed to find no-one, not even one of my pops cats.

I ended up going back to sleep, tucked in as tight as possible and curled up in a ball. I didn't want to bother anyone else because I knew there was no room for me in any of the other beds, so I plugged in my earphones and turned up my music until I passed out.

In the morning I told my mum and pop, and showed them the broken timer and tangled Newton's Cradle. My brother then told us his nightmare was about a tall, crippled looking man with a hat, who was looking for me, but not me me. "He said he was looking for my sister -insert deadname-", my brother had said. Guess that stupid spirit must've been homophobic.

After the events of that night, my pop and his wife set up a few crosses in the room and prayed over it. I'm not saying I believe that it worked or anything, but for the next 5 nights we were there, everything was perfectly fine and there were no more incidences.

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