Girl Meets Wolves

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"Hey Maya do you remember if we have math homework today?" I asked my best friend.

"Come on Riles, you know I never do the homework. How would I know if we had any." She laughs.

Just as I'm about to lecture her about the importance of homework for the millionth time, I notice a strange shadow in the alleyway.

"Hey did you see that?" I ask Maya.

"See what?" She asks in confusion.

"That shadow." I state. "The one that was moving impossibly fast." I think aloud.

"Riley, have you been sleeping well lately?" Maya asks me, her face is full of concern.

"You think I'm crazy!" I say in disbelief. I can't believe that she thinks I'm seeing things.

"No, I think you're tired." Maya corrects me.

"Well. I know what I saw and I'm gonna go see what it was." I say with a rebellious tone. I then proceed to the alley where I saw the odd shadow.

"If you get murdered, I'm gonna kill you." Maya yells after me. I can hear her running behind me.

As I approach where I last saw the shadow, I notice something moving but I can't tell what it is. As I get closer I finally make out what looks like an animal running on 4 legs. Then the animal turns to look at me and I can tell that it's a wolf. As I start backing away I can feel my heart pounding, probably since I might get mauled to death.

As I make my way back to the street where I previously was I can't stop thinking about the wolf.

"What the heck is a wolf doing in the middle of New York City?" I ask myself.

"I'm sorry did you just say you saw a wolf?!" Maya asks me with shock.

"Oh my god Maya. You scared me!" I gasp. I don't know where she was or where she came from, but she was not there a second ago.

"Riles, what did the wolf look like?" She asks me in a serious tone.

"I'm not sure it was really dark and I only saw it for a few seconds." I informed her.

"Ok Riley, I need you to go home ok. Don't go anywhere else. Just head straight there and I'll meet you when I can." She says.

"Maya what are you talking about—" I started.

"Just listen to me! Go home!" She cuts me off in a threatening manner.

In all the years I've known Maya, she had never acted like this. But since she's my best friend o decided to just trust her and do as she said.

"O-ok, I'll meet you back at my house." I agreed.

She didn't even bother to answer before running off into the night.

I started walking home like I told Maya I would. Before long I was in front of my apartment building.

As I opened the door to the building I noticed something in the corner of my eye. I turned around to find myself face to face with a large dark brown wolf.

As it towered over me I couldn't move. I was so scared and so shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes, how was this even happening. Then something even crazier happened. Another wolf appeared. This one was an off-white cream color and it was much smaller than the dark one in front of me.

The small wolf leapt at the giant wolf baring it's sharp teeth. Then the small wolf looked right at me as if to tell me to get inside. I threw open the door and went inside locking it behind me.

But I couldn't help but watch through the glass at what was happening just outside. The 2 wolves were squaring off staring at each other with enough intensity to light a fire. Then the small wolf growled at the big wolf and finally the large wolf ran off.

Did that wolf just save my life? For some reason I decided to go outside. I unlocked the door and stepped into the night. The small wolf turned to look at me and bared it's teeth at me as well. But somehow I knew it wasn't going to hurt me. I don't know how, but I knew I was safe.

I started walking towards the cream colored wolf and I wasn't afraid. At first the wolf started growling, but I kept approaching it. Then it tried to back away, but I followed it. Until finally the wolf slowly started walking toward me as well.

Then I reached out my hand and touched it's snout. The wolf closed its eyes and leaned into my hand. When it opened its eyes I was staring at it. Those big blue/green eyes looked so familiar. And then I knew.

"Peaches.." I sighed.

The wolf looked at me at first with fear, but she started to relax and something amazing happened. The wolf started transforming into a human. Into my best friend.

"Now you know." Maya whispered.

"You could've told me." I said.

"How exactly does one tell someone that they're a monster?" Maya asked me with tears in her eyes.

"You're not a monster. You're beautiful. Both the human and wolf version. You saved my life Maya." I spoke softly and touched her face moving a few stray hairs behind her ear.

Then she hugged me, the hug was so full of passion and emotion and I could tell that she wanted to tell me. That she was glad I knew. That someone finally knew her. All of her.

"I love you peaches." I whispered in her ear.

Maya pulled away and looked into my eyes once more. She didn't say anything. She just kissed me. And I kissed back.

"I love you too Riles." She smiled into the kiss.

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