Girl Meets Popstar

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It was a late Monday afternoon when Riley Matthews was finally able to buy the concert tickets she had wanted forever. "Oh my god! I got them!! The last 2 tickets to the Maya Hart concert on Saturday!" Riley exclaimed to her oblivious father. "That's nice honey." Corey Matthews responded while he finished reading his newspaper. "DAD! This is a big deal. I've been wanting to see Maya Hart in concert since her first album came out last year." Riley explained. "Well, I think it's wonderful that all your hard work at the bakery paid off." Topanga, Riley's mother, beamed. Riley had been working extra shifts at her mom's bakery/cafe in order to buy the tickets to the hottest event of the year. As Riley went on about how much she adored her favorite singer, there was a knock at the door. "Ooh, that's Farkle." Riley announced as she opened the door for her best friend. She had texted him about the concert as soon as she bought the tickets. "I CANNOT BELIEVE you got Maya Hart tickets. You must be a miracle worker!" Farkle said as he walked into the Matthews' apartment. As Riley and Farkle went up to Riley's room, their excitement about the music event could be heard throughout the entire apartment.
—— time skip to the next day after school ——
Riley had just gotten out of school and was walking home since she had forgotten her subway pass that morning. As she cut through an alleyway on her street she walked right into a hooded figure. "Oops sorry..." Riley gasped as she dropped some of the things she was carrying. At the same time the hooded figure apologized as well. "Oh my, I'm sorry!" Said a familiar voice. Despite the overall disorientation and dimly lit alley, Riley recognized the person as soon as they spoke. "Y-you're Mayo Hunt!!" Riley stuttered. "Actually it's pronounced Maya, but you were pretty close." The hooded figure chuckled as they took off their hood. Once her face was no longer hidden, you could see that this mystery person in the alley was none other than Maya Hart, the world-famous pop star. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just kinda starstruck," Riley mumbled in shock. Maya looked up at the tall brunette and for the first time really saw her. As Riley reached down to grab her belongings, she noticed the way the blonde stared at her. "It's totally fine. I get it" Maya replied. "You know, you're kinda beautiful" Maya thought aloud. "T-thank you." Riley answered surprised. As Maya realized she had voiced her observations out loud, her face turned red with embarrassment. "You're welcome." Maya played off. For a few moments it was like the world had stopped as Maya and Riley just stared at each other lost in their own thoughts and in the beauty of the girl in front of them. Finally Maya was broken out of the trance by her phone buzzing. It was a call from her manager. "It's 4 already?" Maya whined. "This has been fun but I have to go rehearse for my show on Saturday." Maya explained. "Oh yeah. Of course." Riley answered still processing the situation. "Here." Maya scribbled something on a napkin and handed it to Riley before putting her hood back up and running out of the alley and into the streets of New York. When Riley snapped out of her daze she looked at the napkin and found that Maya had written a phone number on it. Riley immediately added the number to her contacts and rushed home, wondering if and when she should contact this number.

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