Grey- Sloan

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It was Roberts hearing today , the team was rather busy so Andy didn't get a chance to see Robert in the whole day she had a hearing time and she was kinda stress about it she was stress she would say something that would bring her down or him down or both of them down which she didn't wanted to happened she was scared that the alarm would go off while she was there and had to take off. Everyone got one by one to his hearing things were kinda heavy they would all go see Andy after five her head up or tell her what happened they couldn't see each other due to the 90 days but she'd have too face him one day and face a part of the department . « bring Ms. Herrera please » Andy breathe in and out deeply and appeared from being the wall they put up for privacy. « U can sit » one person said she knew who he was and to be honest he was a great friend to her father. Her eyes locked with Robert and he gently smiled at her she knew that smile it was saying "do your best" he truly didn't wanted her to testify but she wanted to she only had positive things to say about him nothing bad he did bad things but he's a human being he made a mistake. If he could go back he would change everything and get help, she got ask multiples of questions, which were hard to answer she wasn't expecting that at all but they concluded from her that he was a good person . But his career was still on the balance. She was asks other question and then she was asked to leave which she happily did , and went to the catwalk to watch the rest it was now bens turn and has she saw him before he said he was gonna tell the truth and knowing she lied a lot before she could get down too and she didn't like that but he ended up changing his story like hers . And there was her biggest fear the alarm went of on her phone she looked at it fear took over and she slide down the pole she never did this so that means their was an emergency they all saw nineteen run into the barn getting their turnouts "okay nineteen I'm up as captain!" Andy yelled "where captain bishop?" Vic asked "she's still on leave for the rest of the week" "Herrera is in the house!" "Guys!" "Sorry captain" they all said "we're dealing with a 32 floors building on fire , due to an explosion on the 16th floor, we gotta get there really soon before the whole bulging burn and we lose thousand of people" Andy spoke and all the team ran to the trucks "Warren, U stay here we got this" "Andy 32 floors as in.." "grey sloan yeah" "wait Miranda is there" "I know Ben and I'll get her out okay I'll get her safe" "Andy.." "hey I promise okay stay here as soon as I get her out I'll let U know alright?" "Just save her please she's my whole world" "U already know I will" she weakly smiled at him and left glancing once more at robert before she disappeared, they got to grey sloan and it was under control for now so Andy had time to think she received a text it was bishop she was in the building with carina and they were stuck on the fire floor so they couldn't get out , they immediately started to work and when it was okay for them to come inside Andy went in first followed by Jack , and the rest of the team stayed outside directing them , the battalion chief from another station running the scene , when they finally made it two floor before the fire floor they verres up properly and Ben called them in the radio , him sitting at the desk both Robert and Richard siting on the staircase , "Herrera you there?" Ben said " copy Warren" "how does it looks?" "It's under control for now , I'm on my way to the fire floor right now" "is Miranda okay?" "I haven't seen her yet Ben" "are U alone right now?" "No both me and Gibson are here right now we about to face the fire so if I don't answer for a bit it's because of that both maya and carina are stuck here" "be safe Herrera" "we both will Warren" Jack said it was louder than expected "Jack U okay?" "Yeah guess I'm running out of air" "how is that even possible we just got in" "Andy" "Jack! Hey hey here take it with me just breathe slowly please" "Herrera U won't be able to hold on as long with him sharing your tank" "will be fine Hughes in her way with other" "okay just be careful in there please I need you alive we both need U alive" "both?" " Andy.." "or right yeah , we'll I don't know Ben it could've been like anyone, so how many of U is listening right now?" "We are three" "okay well hi, Warren I gotta cut this for a sec I'll radio U soon , they waited at the station for them to call back and after 16 she finally did " that took U so long" "it's Gibson Andy went in by herself we got everyone out but she supposed heard someone so now I'm waiting for her but bishop and her girlfriend are both safe" "U have to find her ! She promised to find my wife Gibson" "hey she's trying okay! Yelling at me won't help , just let her do that she knows what she's doing at that moment of time she wouldn't risk her life for no reason and we both know that" "yeah yeah your right" "she both lost her dad and her husband well he's not dead but we don't know what happened for god asked her mother re appeared in her life after 20 years and she now has a real family give her some time! She's gonna find your wife like she said" "alright okay fine , I'll let my radio open if theirs anything you'll hear her" after at least thirty seconds they heard Andy's voice and all mans good up "Jack I need some help in here or and next time U talk about me I'd like it very much the thoughts about my husband and my marriage stay in your mind please" "I'll be there , sorry" he said he was always supportive and he didn't wanted to say it in a bad way but she took it angrily so it gave that jacks radio stopped and the boys were looking at them "she haven't told the team what happened!" Robert asked Ben "no she didn't she said it was personal, and normally she wants to share the personal but not this time" "alright" he smiled thinking about it she knew him well enough to know he would get mad if she had told the team, Jack helped Andy get the person safety in her arms and started to get down the stairs "Wanna talk to your husband?" She asked "yes can I?" "Yeah of course" Andy opened her radio "Warren do U copy?" "Yes Herrera I copy are U okay?" "I am" "hey Ben" miranda said over the phone "Miranda hi" "hey, I'm fine okay don't worry about me I'll be fine" " I'll always worry even if we are apart and always love U" at that same moment both Andy and Robert were thinking of the other and really wanted to be able to talk to each right now Andy was bout the third flight of stairs under the fire line and a floor collapsed which made a kind Boom and the radio signals were cut.

So this is part one part two will be up tomorrow

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