"Im sorry"

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It has been a week since Andy and Robert had kissed in his office leading to him pushing her away just has they were about to have sex , she though he felt the same way but guess he didn't that night she walked for hours not wanting to get back home knowing maya would have millions of question of why she wasn't at home after shift. Tonight she decided to take a drink at joes bar to take some of the anger out but when she saw him enter the bar she left , he had made excuses to her earlier today when they were celebrating bens and Miranda's baby but he pushed her away once again because of his job she made her way home only to find her dad there as soon as she got in he started to yell at her any way he could call her so many words , being unresponsive for her actions being a slut and accusing her of sleeping with her captain , when it didn't even happens she tried to shut him off but he didn't so she tried to kick him out but he wouldn't go so she left herself locked herself in her room and didn't came out. When she woke up in the morning she looked dead she hadn't sleep much she spent her night mostly crying so she texted Bishop saying she would come into work only half way through it so she wanted her to tell Sullivan. She didn't ask any question as she heard the fight yesterday night it was intense and maya never thought those words would get out of Pruitt's mouth so she told Sullivan when she came into the building. She knocked at his door waiting for his answer "come in" "sir I just wanted to let U know that Andy is taking half a day off shell be there for 6:30 tonight" "is she okay?" "I'm not sure sir but I'll talk about it to the team so if U want to join us U can" she left his office , he really wanted to know why she wasn't I mean she surely couldn't look at him in the eyes right now she certainly didn't want to be stuck with him on aid car for this morning but he still made his way upstairs to learn more about it . The team surprised as he sat with them telling he decided to start eating with them , so they felt more appreciated and comfortable around him. They sat at the table " where's Andy?" Vic asked "she's at home" "why what is she doing there?" " she huh looked she looked heartbroken mad sad and so many emotions this morning she took a beer out of the fridge and went back to her room" "I've never seen Herrera heartbroken before" "yeah me either but she had a really big fight with her father yesterday so I  think this is why she's not here" "how big?" Travis asked "pretty big I won't tell details cause it's not my place but those words coming out Pruitt nope never imagined, but she told me she'd be here at 6:30 tonight" "alright then we'll talk to her then" Vic said "shall we eat" "yes" . the day was kind of quiet they didn't have any big calls and they were good with it it was boring at the station between chores and them eating Andy wasn't there the mood was down Sullivan was really rude to everyone even if they did nothing wrong. They were waiting for Andy all sat at the beanery helping out dean Travis making dinner as Sullivan walked in "can I have two minutes please?' he said in his captains voice which they all turned around and nodded at him " alright , I'm sorry for how I acted today I let my personal problem get over me and i never meant to hurt anyone of you like I did today so id like to make it up to you if you let me?"  'what do you have in mind cap?" " how about we all work on dinner I call for pizza instead we eat the food tomorrow instead?" "you will eat  with us sir?" Travis asked " I will if you want me too, I need to build a relation with all of you and I think eating is the first step" " alright! " dean said "chop chop" ben said everyone started to get the food ready while he went to his office to call the pizza place from just around the corner. he looked up after his call and saw Andy come into the firehouse " lieutenant a word" she sighed just before coming into his office you could fell the tension from upstairs for sure "yes?" "just wanted to let you know that we are having pizza as dinner and the whole team including I are finishing what they had started" "you,, you are gonna eat with us" "yeah ive been pretty rude with them all day and I wanted to apologize and I told them id bought pizza and eat with all of you starting now" " oh..oh hum okay" she turned around but he stopped her "Andy" "mhh?" " will we be able to talk soon about us in here?" "I dont know, I have to go or ill be late" she got to the beanery and joined the team " Herrera!!!" dean yelled " hey you okay?" Vic asked as she went to her side " i could be better but I'm okay" "alright though i see it in your eyes someone broke your heart so if you ever need help i am ready to chop off his penis" she said as she gestured cutting someone pipi as robert came behind her " i dont know what you are doing Hughes but its weird and i dont want to see that again" Andy rolled her eyes as he spoke and Vic saw it she couldn't hide it " now i am definitely ready to cut it" she said " shut up Vic" they both left together to help with the making of the lunch and robert just stood there completely un aware of the thing going on between them he then saw Andy whisper something in Vic ear and Vic did the same Vic just patted her back and they continued their task. "sir?" dean asked " yes miller" " did you ordered our favourite one?" " yes i did like you all texted me though to the person who eat it with pineapple its disgusting" "well thank you sir for appreciating me" Travis said " Travis we all dont get you its so bad" Andy said " you ate it with me once" "because you though id like it and that's the only thing that i wanted to eat" "right I remember now" " yeah" "well you have the entire pizza to yourself it should be here soon" "alright so ands U okay?" Travis asked "I'm good thanks" "I know those eyes we all do we don't see them often" "I'm fine and I'm not ready to talk about it" she said "just know we are here and we love U and we'll protect U" at that moment Vic made the same mouvement as before to chop of the guy penis "thanks it means a lot but it won't be necessary" she glances over to Robert who sent her an apologetic smile she retuned one back "pizza delivery" a guy said " hi let me take that" Andy said she took the pizza and let them on the table and then went over to pay "Herrera I got this" "it's fine sir" "oh shoot my machine is downstairs" "I'll follow you" Andy said following the pizza guy at the end he gave her his number which she accepted and when he left she dumped it into the trash And joined the team back upstairs she never saw her dad came into the station as she was walking up the stairs she sat back with the team getting a glass of water taking a small sip from it "captain Herrera !" Dean yelled " Miller!" He respond with the same tone , Andy just got up and walked off the Beanery "Andrea" "dad I don't want to hear it" "Andrea please" "I'm gonna say it one more time I didn't sleep with him and U don't get to talk to me not after what U said" " it was a mistake okay it just blurred out" "U MEANT IT!" "I DID NOT " "YES U DID DAD ALL YOUVE BEEN DOING SINCE I WAS BORN WAS TO CONTROL MY LIFE" " I HAVENT ANDREA" "Yes U did and I'm tired of it I told U I didn't sleep with him but U don't want to believe me cause U think I'm a slut and I got walking around fucking everyone I see" "THATS ENOUGH" her father said "I don't want to talk to U" she said as she left the room and went outside in front of the station to take some fresh air she started to hyperventilate so she took some deep breathes in and out until she calmed down silent tears going down her face she let them fall and fall never stopping them. At the Beanery the table was silent all in disbelief of what Andy had just said , "captain Herrera" Ben finally spoke "yes?" "I think I'd be best if U gave Andy a little bit of time to cool off , she has a lot going on right now and I think that U interfering doesn't help give her a little bit of space" "yeah you're probably right I'm gonna go tell her to call me when she's ready oaky?" "We'll do sir" . They all waited for him to leave to finally talk back to each other "do U guys know the she didn't sleep with?" Vic asked knowing full well who it was "nope" "no idea" "nah" "not really" "maya?" Vic asked "I don't know either she just got home yesterday smelling like beer and vodka and she went to bed so we didn't talk and when she had that talk with her father she didn't say who" "well I should go check on her" Vic said "it's okay I got it , I'll bring food" Sullivan said Vic started a him with her death look and he just nodded and genuinely smiled and now she saw the love he had for her he truly cared " alright let us know!" Vic said "I will" he took 4 slices out them in a plate and brought her glass of water and tried to find her until he saw her outside looking frozen and cold . He went into his office took his 19 sweatshirt and put it on and then went outside " I brought pizza" he said trying not to scare her "hum thanks" she said wiping her tears away "no problem are U cold?" "Yeah kind of" "here" he said handing her his sweatshirt "thank U, if U want to talk nows the best time cause U got me food" "technically U bought it but yeah I want to talk" he looked at her for a bit before leaning on a brick outside the station "look I I didn't wanted this to happen Andy I didn't wanted to push U away and I I feel so bad that I did" "why did U?" " I-I look I wanted it just as much as U wanted it I guess I wasn't , I didn't expected it Andy it took me by surprise and I want U to know that if I didn't wanted it I would've stopped U right away but I kissed U back I dragged U into my office and" "U PUSHED ME AWAY" "Andy please lower your voice I'm not yelling so please" "right then U pushed me away I initiated it how do U think I felt when I left" "sad broken mad and U felt like a fool for kissing me" "exactly I felt betrayed Robert and I I'm so mad at U right now -and I don't want to but i can't stop being mad" "I'm sorry I really am and I wish U could forgive me because what happen I really want it to happen again but I want more than that I want everything everything with U and I'd say screw the rules for real if you let me the chance so come get me when you're ready to hear the reason why I pushed U away" he said getting up and leaving but her hand soon found his wrist holding him back "I'm listening" "really?" "Yes I am" . He leaned back against the brick again crossing his hands together she got closer and put one hand into his ( like the picture above) . "I'm all ears and I'd say we have about 15 before the team comes down" "look Andy I since the aid car I've had this condition in my leg" "yes I remember, it was gone right?" "It wasn't" "WHAT ! U TOLD ME IT WAS ROBERT" "i know I was scared" "scared of what?" "Of what I could become , I was scared I couldn't be a firefighter again and I didn't wanted U to be scared for me so I lied and in LA when I kicked that door" "the pain came back rushing through your leg U lose sensibility and feeling U tried to run as fast with me but U couldn't because of your leg it Seattle down when we left for the station I kissed U and when I got into that bunk with U I pressed down with my hands on your legs and U lost feeling again and U were scared of how I'd react so U tong me to go hoping it would hurt less right?" " I huh yeah that's what I was gonna say" "omg I feel so stupid now how , I didn't even realized it until now I'm so sorry" "it's okay Andy I'm fine" "how is it for real?" "I've been getting help and it's better but sometimes it happens on call and I can't do anything so that's why I really want to get battalion chief so I don't have to go that much on calls" "I I am so sorry Robert I really am now I feel like a fool for not asking U how you were" "it's oaky U had every right to be mad at me Andy" "I know but I feel so stupid I'm sorry" "it's okay now finish eating so we can come back inside where it's less cold" "yeah thanks bye but four slice don't U think it's a bit much?" "Oh one of those was for me" "well there" she said feeding him a bite "you're weird sometimes" he said "I know" she said as she chuckled at him "what?" "There's tomato sauce on your face can I can I" "yeah" she took her thumb brushing it over his face were the tomato sauce was and slide it down his lips then clean her finger "there" "thanks" he said back they look through each other's eyes for a bit until he made the first move this time cupping her face in his hands she stumbled into his chest pressing her hand against his peck he kissed her his hand wrapped around her waist pushing her against him to get closer even if they already were , inside Vic said to the team she was gonna go see if everything was okay when she got there about to go outside she saw Sullivan grab her and kiss her she made her way back upstairs smiling as she did "how is she?" Maya asked "she's eating the pizza and talking to Sullivan so we better stay here give them some privacy" the whole team nodded and stayed in the beanery . Back outside they were still kissing until Andy broke the kiss to catch her breathe " i didn't think I could hold my breath that much" "yeah me either" "what what does this mean?" "It can mean anything U want" "if I want to be a part of your life romantically do U want that too?" "Yes I do I really much do" "then keep doing that thing with your tongue" "sure thing" he said going in back for a kiss which lasted for a very long time them smiling through the kiss Andy starting to get heated wandering her hand on his chest then taking his shirt off of his pants "mhh Andy" "what?" "We shouldn't be doing this here it's freezing cold and the team could see us at anytime" "you're right" they kissed for a little while until Robert stopped them "Andy U should go" "what?" " the alarm just sounded for aid car you are in aid car U should got i won't be here when U come back but U can always come to my house later" "I will" she kissed him One last time before running inside to the barn still his sweats on "Herrera getting heated outside" Vic said as she heard Andy coming into the aid car "what?" "U and Sullivan he's the man that broke your heart but he's the one U kissed tonight U love him" "I really do" "promise me you'll tell him that?" "I will now let's go someone is waiting for us" "yup let's do this and just so U know I didn't tell the team about what I saw so I'm the only one that knows" "that's great thanks." They got back from the call took a shower and then got ready for the bar the whole team were going there to celebrate the fact that they had made friend with their captain after a year of him being their boss . They got to the bar and all ordered drinks and shots , Andy maya Vic and Travis at a table talking about stupid stuff actually laughing with Andy she seemed happier than she was before "you're heart is okay now?" Travis asked "yes I'm fine" she looked over at her watch "well I'm gonna call it a night it's late and I should go to sleep" "okay we'll see U next shift Andy" she said goodbye to everyone from the team and left in her car made her way to Roberts place. She knocked at his door he was quick to open the door "come in" "thanks" "how was your night" "it was great I missed U" "I missed U too" he took her into a passionate kiss "have U been drinking" "just a little with the team" "you're tipsy?" "I'm not" "alright" she kissed him some more and they both quickly took glasses of wine and a white wine and then went to his bedroom pouring some liquid and drinking it cuddling into bed talking to each other in those sweet heated little voice , she initiated another passionate kiss slightly rubbing her tongue on his bottom lips for him to give entrance slightly biting on his lower lips a moan escaping from his mouth , the please came over them as they took off each other's clothes off throwing them on the floor as they made love to each other slowly and lovely , him kissing every inches of her body softly making sure she was pleased as she deserved she made sure he was please as well letting her hands wandered every where on his body taking the matter in her own hands going on top of him as they taught for the top every time , until she gave out and let him lead . They had the best time of their lives laying next to each other in bed all sweaty and naked hugging each other close laughing and smiling " that was definitely the best sex I've ever had" she let out "I'm glad to know that" he kissed her once again as he held her held close to his body until she fell asleep and fell asleep not long after

Hii so I've been pretty busy and haven't been able to update that much but school started back up so I won't post until a while probably hope U guys understand hope U loves this

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