U sure 'bout that ?

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This take place after 2x15( changing some details)

"It's almost time for shift" "ugh I've lost track of time" Andy said getting into Robert's office and him answering right after her statement it was now normal for them to just barge in without knocking it had been like that for weeks now and they couldn't say they weren't happy about it "haven't heard from U since the hospital" the last time they saw each other or talked was when he layed his head on her body crying in her shirt staining it with his tears, to be honest it felt good it felt food to have someone who really cared about him. "I'm sorry" he felt guilty they always went for a coffee but now didn't seem right, he wanted to with his entire heart but he wasn't sure where him and Andy stand a free that night so he kept a little bit of distance and the eulogy Ripley sister was making him do was one of the excuses he could put on her. He hated it , hated how his feeling got over him that day how he let her hold his hand stay by his side cry on her shoulder in her arms for hours until he was dried out, he hated how he let her go how he just said bye and never went after her. As soon as she lost his grip on her she felt alone, she suddenly started to miss his warmth, his body. When she left she wanted to rush back over to him and offer him to stay at her house for the night he shouldn't be alone , but was it the reason, either way she saw herself leave leaving Robert behind her sad and broken. " I've been helping Jennifer with the arrangements, the department sent over a check list a mile long and a.. she asked me to give the eulogy" "mhh" "any advice?" "Mhh wrong person to ask speeches are not my things funerals aren't either" she smiled at him, she caught him smile back she was about to say something when he received a text and got up immediately "everything okay" "the wild fire that hit LA earlier this week as progress crews are requesting back up supplies, all the stations are organizing a care event" "oh I'll and le and whatever else U got a lot going on right now and the work will be good for me for everyone take our mind of things " she corrected herself , it would be good for her because she's have other things to think about instead of him or the fire chief she really looked up to him and now he was gone she had Vic disappearing from her apartment this morning not jesting her know and make the sadness and rage was bottling up she needed something to keep her mind occupied. He was really hesitant at first but he knew very well down from the bottom of his heart that letting her in charge for one day would not be bad she would do a great job . "I appreciate it, hey huh U mind taking a crack at this eulogy for me too" "like I said wrong person to ask" she smiled at him and made her way out of his office he caught himself stil smiling after she left but it quickly got wiped away, he didn't have feeling, they were just friend she was trying to be polite that's all , she said it's because he had a lot going on but why would she even care about that he's just her boss. Things had gone slowly that day all exhausted and sad about everything that happened in 24 hours he got inside that building a happy alive man and he came out a dying man. Victoria didn't wanted to go to his funeral and Robert had a really hard time writing the eulogy it was something he never wanted to do and not when he was just starting to make connection again with his old best friend abs it felt good he was the man he wanted to talk about his feeling he had , but this was gone now he stayed so many years mad at him for his wife even if it wasn't his fault he blamed him and blame him over and over again and Ripley always accepted it. Andy abs gone almost four hours on that aid car call and to be honest he really wanted her back to the station he needed her her advice just to have some reassuring. He needed to write this eulogy , the funeral beinng tonight he needed to have all his time on that and he really wanted to finish it soon so he can stop think about it a while but he knew that would never happened. When he heard the door open he knew she was back so he waited a bit before joining her to the aid car " some call Huh?" "I don't think you'd believe me if I told U" she said taking off her gloves she looked at him he seemed sad and distant "how's the eulogy going?" "Ugh , it's not , I think I'm just to close to it nothing sound right " he sat on the stairs of the aid car , he's been trying for hours he tried all morning to find the perfect words to express how good of a man Ripley was and how much love he gave everyone and time he gave to this station but he couldn't find the right words and it was exhausting " did U speak at your wife's funeral?" She asked him she knew this was a hard sport for him to talk to but she needed to try "yes I did , or.." he chuckled loudly "or I tried , started off okay but then I just lost it" Andy just sat there listening to him she knew this wasn't the end he still had to talk about it " barely even remember now I think I was just I was really raw U know?" His eyes spoke for him he was questioning himself he hoped she'd understand him cause he didn't wanted to explain this not now not to her not to anyone "did U speak at your moms ?" He asked back " I was 9 so , I didn't speak , I don't think I spoke the whole day or barely, I was raw too still am" "yeah" he said back , she needed to be closer to him , and he needed too he kept looking down at her but she decide to get up and sit next to him he started at her moving from his side and let her speak so use it be raw if U need to be raw U don't have to write or word or read word U write just get up there and talk .. talk to him it doesn't matter not when it comes from the heart" they both looked at each other and slightly smiled , this was hard for both of them Andy being a person who hates speech and funeral and him being someone who has a hard time expressing his feeling and talking it helped them both a lot to talk with each other and it felt great " I just hope will be there to hear it" . They stayed there for a while until they had to go get ready for the funeral , they dressed up and Travis tried to convince Vic to come but she wouldn't go until she saw Levi in the station reception giving him a bouquet of flowers telling it was similar ones to when he collapse when he was on his way to say yes to her proposal. They got to the funeral emplacement the song playing them honouring him , until they got into the chapel and all sat next to people they knew , all of them with a picture of him holding their cap and waiting for Robert to start his eulogy. He finally got up being the podium and placed his paper in front of him and started the eulogy " I've been thinking a lot about what to say today , chief Ripley was a boss to most of us in this room we  looked up to him we respected him as chief he gave everything to this department as Lucas he gave even more  of those he loved outside it" he took a deep breathe and he realized that he didn't need his palate what he wrote was not what he wanted to say it so he shows it back in his picked and continued talking "to me Lucas was a true friend we really saw each other strength and flaws we fought we made up thankfully not to late sometimes U connect with a person as U can't always explain it over distance and time and impossible obstacles U still find a way to each other , it's so rare to meet someone who connects with U that way someone who makes U wanna face your fears head on eyes open" he was now looking at Andy and she was looking at him there eyes meant so much they could read each other and if they weren't around people they would've probably hugged or done more " abs it's so hard to say goodbye to them when they go my last conversation with Luke he told me not to say goodbye to him instead I said we're good , i want to reiterate that now. We miss U luke we wish U didn't leave us so soon but since U did since U had too it's all good we are all good U are so good" he took one deep breathe again and sat on his designated chair and watch pruitt and Montgomery get up for the bells " when a firefighter died the toll of the bells represent their last alarm the end of their duty's the bells ring to say their shift is over they are going home" Montgomery started to ring the bell as all the team broke down in tears , eventually they all left the chapel and joined each other in joes bar "I first meet Ripley on his second call as a rookie told him to grab that left handed halligan the fire must been out for at least 30 minutes before he realize that it didn't exist" the whole team laughed at Pruitt story and they toast to ripley . Ryan went and offered Sullivan another beer while maya and Andy were talking "so if Jack wants to come over tonight I'm okay with it if he promise to pick up breakfast in the morning" "thanks I mean it but I think Vic should be the only one staying for a while" "yeah I think that's good" "do U know where she is I haven't seen her" "she said she wanted to be alone" they both took sip form their drink "so did I tell U the craziest thing Ryan's said about me and Sullivan of all people ?" She asked maya , maya sounding more interested in the conversation turned over to meet Andy's eyes " he said he thought we were together because of something he saw at the hospital" "yeah I saw that too" "that wasn't anything we're not.. I mean I'm im definitely not" "no?" "No" Andy said almost answering in a questioning tone "U sure about that?" Maya turned around to look at Sullivan  and Ryan's playing a game , Andy turned around to look at both of them, Andy taking another big sip from her beer not questioning herself as if it was something or not . They both joined them and then the whole team . Andy once looked at her phone and she saw the time she was tired so she decided to call it a night "guys I'm gonna go it's getting late" " Herrera always leaving before everyone else" back said in a teasing tone " I always am and I always will , good night guys don't drink to much" she said to all of them then hugging each one of them "I'll see U tomorrow yes?" She asked Ryan "yes we will good night night ands" "night ry" she  hugged Jack then bean then dean and then maya and Travis for the end telling him not to make so much mistake tonight since he didn't have his ring in she just wave to Robert and she left , she didn't realize someone had followed her. " hey wait up" he said to her and she turned around hearing the familiar voice "need anything?" She asked him " just wanted to know why U left so soon we basically just got here" "I am really tired Robert it's been a really hard day, and I didn't plan on staying at first" "oh okay, U sure U don't want to stay a little while longer" no thank U but U can go back if U want to" he has stopped listening to her he kept looking from her eyes to her mouth "Robert" "I-what?" He  said trying to get back to the conversation " U should do it now before it's to late" "do what?" He asked still zoned out " kiss me" when he heard these word he didn't wait he bend down to her height and kiss her , both of their lips touching a wave of electricity going through their body's , his tongue trailing her bottom flips trying to find her way into her mouth , she opens it for him their tongue finding each other's. Until they stopped catching their breathes "I wasn't sure about that" she saw murmuring , she told maya their was nothing going but their was "what?" He asked hearing half of what she said "nothing it doesn't matter" « wanna have a drink at my place? » he asked her « yeah sure » she said back he got back inside getting his coat and he drove them to his house , getting there they sat on the sofa both of them a glass of wine in their hands « it was beautiful , your eulogy » « thank U I listened to your advice » « yeah it turned out good » he just smiled at her « I was thinking and » she shut him up by kissing him which became more passionate and they both let their glass on the living room table and he picked her up and got them to the bedroom , he let her down when they got into his room letting her back slightly knocking the door , they started kissing again taking each other's shirts off and then their pants they layed down in his bed under the covers , he kissed her neck and found that soft spot on her neck that made her go crazy , then trail his kiss to her chest kissing each inches of her body kissing her breast and licking her Nipples. « Robert » « what? » he asked going back up kissing behind her ear « nothing » she said back that man was driving her crazy he slowly got down again to her underwear when he looked up to her and she smiled and nodded her head he took them off , he could feel her wetness , he kissed the very bottom of her belly sending shiver through her whole body making her arch her back he slowly kissed her clit and she let out a soft « fuck » , letting his tongue wonder around it then inside her hearing her more and more excited by his actions « fuck » she let out again as he moved faster in her she felt herself arch her back once again holding his head in place with one of her hand while the other grabbed the bed sheets fuck that women drove him crazy , he had feeling for a while now and that he wanted it for a while too just to be this close to her made him feel so good , he went faster and faster until she yelled his name and he knew she had come , he continue to swipe his tongues over her until he went back up to her breast giving me both of them a wet kiss then going to her mouth « do U want me to stop there or? » he asked her while kissing her « do U want to stop? » « no » « me either » she helped him get out of his boxer and let her hand wander on his but he stopped her very fast « I won't be able to hold on if U do this Andy » « then U know what to do » « oh yes » he said in her ear « just tell me if there's something okay » « I will don't worry ». He grabbed a condom in his nightstand and slide it on then sliding into her , they both moaned when he was inside of her completely then both let out a small chuckle, their hips started to move with each other under the covers until they both reached their excitement point and slide next to each other back on the bed « that's not how I planned my night to go » she said « was it worth it tho? » « very much » she said turning her face to looks thin she kissed him and then his cheeks and let him take care of everything and they both dressed back up , he held her. « I'm glad I ran after U » « me too » they both smiled at each other and they eventually fell asleep in each other's arm waiting for tomorrow to be there.

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