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they had got use to the yelling in the fire house. It was no ones business but the yelling was almost an activity for the both of them. After each call they would go into the captains office and yell at each other for 15 minute at least and the next call after that it never stopped. They were yelling about the decisions making about the way she worked about the way he talked to them but surprisingly all of that changed with the days they got coffee she seriously taught he was asking her out on a date, the moment he said « so I was thinking you and I should sit and talk not on shift sometimes when we wont be interrupted by calls all day » all she was capable to say was « oh ,, so you mean over coffee or something » that was gonna be bad she taught to herself and she wasnt wrong coffee date no it wasnt a date it was a boss and coworker thing it was nothing ellse. It was surely nothing to him. When she got there and they started to talk normally for the first time without the tone in the voice of being mad -and annoyed it felt great everything was going great until she talked about his past and he stopped her ; he left and they didnt talk for days

2 dayn later

« you ignoring your captain? »he asked going next to him while she was washing dishes « Im not ignoring you sir » « i thinl you are » « I'm not I swear » she said still looking straight to the dishes not wanting to look at him in the eyes she knew very well he could tell when she was lying «  then look at me » « I'm washing the dishes sir » « fine come in my office when you're done » « fine » , she saw him leave and she could breathe properly again, she didn't wanted to tell him the truth and he was so closed off and weird out of work she felt so weird , and ignoring him just felt weirder she felt so bad for him he was trying he was trying his best , he only taught what did I do he was trying to get her to like him he was trying his best but this was a hard thing for him after losing his wife he closed himself up he was left alone with his 9 years old daughter rose Sullivan ,he closed himself from all of his family and he had a terrible relation with his daughter but with the years going he got back to normal with her daughter but he has a hard time opening up to people he really wanted him and Andy to be close he was tired of all the fighting and when her dad said he needed to find one person respect and he would get all the team he taught well this is gonna be easy but it wasn't after her dishes she went to his office she double knocked like always and came immediately in « I'm here » « just give me a sec » he said still in his bunk he got out after a while still drying his body and Andy ran over to the blinds and close them « woo what's the rush » « god people are gonna think wrong if they see U half naked Robert ! » « Robert huh? » « sor.. » « it's Okay don't apologize, I'm half naked I understand U use my name I'm not that bad looking right? » « what did U wanted to talk about? » «  Andrea Herrera is blushing » he said only getting closer to her « I'm not now put a shirt on and talk » « fine but U are blushing » « I'm not.. » « don't deny it » « fine your hot now can we move on? » « definitely not » he said teasing her «  then I'm gonna leave » « no don't » she turned around to look at him «  look I'm sorry about how I reacted , I know U think I'm closed off and everything and you're not wrong I am closed off , about 16 years ago I lost my wife her name was Claire she was everything and i didn't think I would get to be happy again I tried my best to be the best person I could and that's who I am today I know I'm not perfect and i have still so much to learn in this team and i mean it I want to get to know U and I think others respect will come with time so I'm asking U would U please let me a second chance and get coffee with me Tomorrow after shift » « sure I'd love too ». She then left his office

3 weeks later
Andy and Robert had gone for coffee 10 times since they were building a relationship and it was really great the team was happy they could have a little of smooth time and not always hearing them yelled at each other's but it also felt weird , they were so used to it they yelled at each other some times after calls but it was different the team couldn't really tell but both of them could they were getting attached a lot and seeing each other almost getting killed or putting their life in danger even if it was their job it made them so angry. It was rose's birthday her father told her to come by his work in the day and he would leave work and bring her to the tennis court , she loved to play tennis just as much as her father this was the activity plus cooking that brought them closer to each other with the lost of their loved one , she got to the station and meet Andy , no one on the team new about her Robert had told her about so many stories of before and after Claire but she never came up he wanted to tell her but he just didn't knew how it was a delicate situation but all of that got ruined today "hi how can I help U?" Andy asked as she got down the stairs so happy she has just talked with Robert and he agreed to go with her to the museum she was trying to convince him for week. "I'm I'm rose" "hi rose what brings U here today" "I was actually coming in to see my father" "you're father ?" "Oh yeah Robert Sullivan ? He works here right ?" "Yeah, yeah he does" she just couldnt believe it and it made sense they had the same eyes and the same nose the same smile she was tall just like him "do U think U could tell me where to find him? It's my birthday he asked me to swing by" "of course ill get him for U oh and happy birthday how old are U ?" "I'm 17" "17 soon going to college huh? How do U feel about that?" "I'm not sure i know what I want to be alter it's just I don't want my dad to be alone all the time" "I'm sure he'll find someone" "yeah I hope so too I know a lot but hopefully he will soon" "I'm Andrea Herrera it's so nice to meet U" " U too YOURE pretty sweet my dad talk about U a lot" "he does?" "He does all the time U use to hate him?" " well huh.. he was a hard ass, if that not rude" "nah it's fine I know my fathers , he can be really a pain in the ass sometimes" "what was that?" Both women heard the familiar voice "so I'm a pain in the ass now U know I can always call back school tell them you're going back and forget about our day? » « no don't I never get time with U and I need today to crush U at tennis » « in your dreams young lady » he sad hugging her « happy birthday sweetheart » « how many time will I have to tell U not to call me that? » « come on rose , i see that U meet Herrera » « yeah she so sweet  » »you're sweet too, not many people risk their lives to talk to me » « why? » « ask your father » « I'll tell U later » he told her the alarm rang and when the address got told both Andy and Robert looked at each other « Robert that's.. » « your fathers place, hey stay here I'll take care of this I'll call U okay? Or I can take my car and get back here as soon as I can? » he asked her « thank U » she weakly smiled at him , he got back after 25 minutes in his car « where Andy? » he asked her daughter « your bunk, told her it was okay » « thank U sweetheart, her father had cancer he kept getting in times like that but he never got this bad I need to be with her I'm so sorry can we go later to the tennis court? » « we can just go tomorrow morning dad you're off I am too? » « it's your birthday today » « yes but Andy's important to U and she's gonna need support I'll tell the team she went home and she asked n it to see anyone they saw me earlier it'll be fine just be with her » « thank U I love U » « live U too dad » she sat at the reception and waited for the team to ask about Andy after they were all inform she stayed in the Beanery « Andy hey.. » he slightly Shake her « Robert? » « it's me I'm back » «  the team? » « no here yet figured I'd come tell U before? » « what's going on with him?@ she asked slightly more awake now turning to his side « he collapsed Andy , he lost consciousness , he's gonna be at the hospital under observation tonight and he'll be fine to go tomorrow » « how do U know so much? » « told the nurse I was your boyfriend, I'm so sorry » « it's okay I was sleeping in your bed » « I don't care about that » « thank U for coming here before the team, why didn't U tell me about your daughter I taught we were telling each other everything » «I'm so sorry I wanted to trust me it just never came up it didn't feel right I'm sos sorry I hide it » « it's okay » he sat on the bed next to her and under the cover he gently pulled the covers on top of her and he held her close he kissed her forehead and he slowly felt her falling asleep after three hours she was still sleeping he was ready his book he didn't wanted to let her go he was afraid he would leave and she would wake up to find him gone he heard his door open « hey dad I think imma head home before It gets to cold outside » « it's end of may it's not cold outside rose » it can be , U really love her do you? » « I really do » « alright I'll leave U to it , take care of her dad love U » « be safe text me when U get home » « I will » he heard the door close and was scared it woke up Andy but she already was she heard the small conversation of rose and Robert she really loves him too she was just scared

Present day

One month later , nothing had changed rose was coming more often to the station it wouldn't be a surprise to find Robert or Andy shirtless in their bunks while the others is there they had that relation they didn't care that they saw them they both knew they were hit and the other thinks that too . Their relationship didn't progress she was kinda going he would've tell her by now the feeling he has for her, and she wish she had the guts to tell me what she felt about him, tomorrow was roses prom last night her and her father had a really long conversation about prom date. It was late and Robert found himself standing in front of Andy's front door he sent her a quick text « come outside » he saw her pass in front of the window and open the door «  Andy » « what's all of this? » « would U go to prom with me I know I'm not the major or the fire chief or anything I'm just Robert Sullivan but would U like to go to prom woth me ? » «  did I hear U right? » « last night my daughter told me to tell the people I love what I feel so , Andy I love U , I'm so in love with U I know this is cheesy of me asking U to my daughters prom , but I'll never be to cheesy for U. You are the light in my life and U made me realize there was a after and life didn't stop after one event , U made me realized that it was okay to be sad and to show it and I thank U so much for that. And I know U really want to say yess right now because when I told my daughter I loved U I felt U squeezed my upper thigh it was soft and small but I still felt it U weren't asleep , and I know U have doubt because U the dresses and U don't think U look good in damn but damn your beautiful and hot and d'sexy in them but if U don't want that then come in your undiform with me but at least say yess I at least bought 20$ of sprinkles for this » « sprinkles ? » were the only words that left her mouth » « Andrea Herrera would U go to prom with me ? » « a 100% yes it'll be a pleasure to be your guest » and then she saw it the 20$ of sprinkles falling down on their head they both ran to each other she jumped in his arms while he spins her around « I'm so glad U said yes » «  I'm glad U asked me » he lowered his head and kissed her « can u stay here tonight? » she whispered in his ear « of course » they both went inside and they cuddled in bed and went to sleep .. the next day they both work up and got ready Robert left to his house , she told him she was gonna join them there when she got there she was looking for him « he's right by the craft station he didn't eat' » she heard rose say « thank U » « I don't think it's health to try all of them » she said to him touching his back he turned sprung to meet Andy he looked her up and down « god U are gorgeous » « thank U , you're are pretty elegant too » they finally ended by trying all the little snacks they had just before dinner « I love u » she whispered in his ear « I love U too » he heard a salsa dance come on he got up « may I have this dance? » « U may » . They both got up and cleared the dance floor they dance for four minute straight like it was their thousands time but it was their first « YOURE so cheesy » she told him siting back at the table « always for U »

Hey guys I really hope U enjoyed this
Part 2?

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