his wife

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This is a kinda short one shot but I still hope you like it

It was a cold morning in Seattle their ninety day almost to the end both Robert and Andy were getting ready each day to welcome the other with open arms , they had made the rules to not see each other or text each other or anything with each other she hadn't seen him since her fathers funeral and she was truly glad he was there to reassure her st the end he knew she wasn't the funerals kinda person and then they had parted and never spoken again. Today seemed like a pretty nice and sweet morning for the both of them Robert having a meeting with his sponsor and Andy getting a little night with the girls at hers and mayas they couldn't go to the bar like they usually did so they mostly drank at bishops apartment. Robert had started his day by making Andy's favourite breakfast that he ate alone of course then washed a little bit the house went for a quick run then got back home and sat in front of the tv opening the news getting all the informations about the current pandemic and then decided to go relax a bit take a shower and then went into bed read a bit then opens some boxes , Andy woke up by the sound of the electric blender a little excitement came over to her as she heard it the last time she did she was at hers and Roberts place him making her her favourite blueberry and strawberry smoothie, but it was maya making a protein smoothie like every morning they weren't as fun and tasty as her husband she ate it and took a really long bath the water getting colder and colder , she drained it and joined maya back into the living room until Vic joined them they made their own pasta with the helps of carina and then took some wine and shots of vodka and other stuff , burning deep down their throats. After a few drinks Andy had started to make comments about Robert in bed and there's a lot of thing she wish she could erase out of their mind « so Andy tell us how good is Sullivan? » Vic asked « oh he's so good , he knows everything I like and he's so good with his tongue and his hips » « he seems... is he ? » « yes best sex I've ever had he's so define and wow I was speechless when I first saw him took off his shirt » « that much? » Vic asked as she gasped « yup that much » the conversation didn't go further and to be honest the girls didn't want to know more they already had pictured their battalion chief be good with his tongues and hips and looking like a model it was enough for them they got her to bed and she slept like a baby , during that time Robert was at home looking through this wedding box of his and Andy and some other boxes with no typo on it he opened it and saw small clothes clearly for a child and bracelet and other things journal toys when he saw that was Andy's childhood in a box he immediately closed it off and put it back at his place on the shelf hanging wedding pictures on the wall their real rings frame and hanged to the wall . After some research in the box and had place things around his room and the whole house he went to bed sleeping like a baby he woke up with the worst fever in the world but it past after breakfast he had again made Andy's favourite breakfast like he had been doing for the last two months and two weeks since he had told her he wanted a 90 days separation. On the other side Andy woke up sad and mad it was weird she was fine yesterday it's like in a night all her word had turned upside down she wasn't fine anymore well she never was but it was better hiding it then showing it, her maya and Vic made it to the station and started their day mid day the team was eating but one person was missing « has anyone seen Herrera? » Ben asked « nope last time I saw her she was gonna take a shower » « I'll go see if she's okay » maya said when she got into the bathroom she saw Andy lean in face to the wall crying balling and almost yelling she turned around to see the team « she's not great we should call Sullivan » « they're separated » « let's just call him let's try » Robert was cooking lunch when his oo home rang « hello? » « sir this is Warren I'm calling because .. » « I'm on my way » Ben never had to finish and Robert was there in 10 minutes « where is she? » « shower sir U should give her a bit » « just come and make sure we good in 15 okay? » « sure thing sir » he got into the shower and saw his wife for the first time in almost three month she looked so broken he took of his shoes and his socks and step into the shower slowly touching Andy's bare back « Robert » she breathed out « hey love » « are U fully clothed? » « hum yeah » she turned around to face him « what are U doing here? » « what's wrong baby's? » « I'm okay really I'm fine » « U don't look fine love let me help U okay talk to me » « I just » « turn around sweetheart he held her from behind telling her soft and sweet things through her ears « maybe we shouldn't let them this long together » Warren said « she's his wife let them some time » « fine but in 5 we go » « baby Andy sweetheart tell me what's wrong so I can help U » « I just miss U so much Robert and I can't do this it's so hard and I miss U so much that I can't breathe went I think to much about U » « I miss U too a lot love and I know that it's hard it's hard on me too love trust me , the team had appeared at the entrance of the door watching them two love birds together until he made her smile and grabbed the closes towel to him to wrap her in he was in a white shirt so his shirt soaked through showing everything Andy was quick to cover him up with her small body « she was right » Vic said a little to loud « what was she right about? » Robert asked « I might have said sex things of us to them » « babe » he told her do defensive « U know U love me » « I really do are U gonna be fine for the rest of the night ? » « can u stay here at the station a little into the rest room maybe until I fall asleep? » « of course love let's go » she had fallen into his lap after an hour and the whole team was watching then in awe « he's with his wife , let's give them some privacy » dean said and the team left letting them both in the comfort of each other's arm.

Hope U enjoyed this if U have request tell me

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