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she felt broken she had fallen for him deeply and him asking her to leave just made her want to hide under a rock. she felt ashamed.... she let him fell in love with her but then break her heart weeks later. she'd cry each time she sees him outside of work. she felt herself wanna puke each team their eyes meet with the same old glances. she felt herself crying in bed each night because she let herself give her body to him but then rejected her. she felt herself trying to get a breathe each time he'd smile at her, go on a call with her , touch her in a call, go to her place that became theirs. she just couldn't do it anymore,

he felt angry... angry at himself for letting her go , he could've run after her to talk to her but he watched her leave tears falling down her face. He felt broken.... not being able or having the guts to go talk to her just to explain what had happened , he tried for weeks. He felt lost... he could see the same sparkles she has in her eyes when she would glance at him but he could also see the hate and the tears and the sadness in her eyes and he hated it . He wanted to give up and kiss her every time he would touch her out on calls or look at her working looking so peaceful and so broken st the same time he wanted to make her fell again like he could before. He broke down in tears when he received the letter about her transfer that he needed to sign and approve, he didn't wanted to but what would he tell her ?she was going far away not in the same department he wouldn't see her everyday and it broke him he finally signed them after an hour he had puffy red eyes he got to the Beanery and asked the team where she was « where Herrera? » « in her bunk sir? » he just nodded and made his way there « U guys he seemed sad » vic said « don't know » they all said he felt himself knock at her door « come in » he wanted to broke down just hearing her voice , it was so soft and sweet but he knew her voice would change when he would come in. « Hey » he said he saw her move quickly and sat on her bed « ébat are U doing here? » she ask and there it was the same voice she used when she told him « everything ok? .... oh , okay.. » when he asked her to leave he felt so bad and just wanted to hold her « your transfer papers » he said avoiding her eyes he was crying and she didn't need to see that. « Oh hum.. yeah huh.. thanks » « no problem, you can leave on Friday » he didn't let her say another thing and he left wiping away his tears it truly broke him that she had asked for a transfer he didn't wanted her to leave, not before he told her what he really felt about her and that he didn't regret it

She felt so bad when he came into her bunk just for the paper instead of following him into his office, she saw him cry but she didn't dare to ask why she let him leave wishing she had the guts to go after him she started to pack her things she could leave tomorrow after dhift and she was so ready for it she already told the team about her leaving where she would be and where she would live. They weren't all happy , actually they weren't happy but they knew she needed a little time for herself and move on take time and she would come back when she was ready too. « Line up 19 » she heard him yell through the barn she started running and she actually got there the first they shared a sad glance while the team was coming into the barn. « Today is a beautiful day to make this station spotless , you're all assigned to chores starting with the bunk finish with the barn , Miller Hughes bishop your on ladder , gibson you're with me on aid Warren probe PRT Herrera ure on desk duty. Dismissed » « sir! » Herrera said following him into his office « what? » he said rather rude « woah relax » « be careful about how U speak to me » « sorry, why am I on desk duty I hate paper work » « it'll give U more time to get your bags and get ready » « I don't need more time , it's my last day come on » « well U should've think about that before asking for a transfer now will U please go do your work » « sir! » « Herrera desk duty now ». She felt angry.... so angry at him he knew how bad she hated paper work how she hate to talk to walk in all day and see the team come with dust on their clothes , sweating , talking about the amazing call they had and she had to live thst for her last day god she hated him, she hated him for letting her go she hated him for putting her on desk duty she hated him to look at her with his caring eyes ne loving eyes she hated him but she didn't really hated him she loved him with every pieces of her heart but she couldn't do it anymore she had to leave she has to move on he didn't wanted her so she didn't wanted him.

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