Episode 5 - Return to Terra II

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The Cruiser blasts through the galaxy.

Johnny: Hurry the fuck up Ben!

Ben: I'm trying!

The Cruiser begins hyper jumping through solar systems.

Falicia: This is not how I expected it would be when I imagined finally seeing your home planet.

Johnny: LOOK OUT!

The Cruiser hyper jumps and almost smashes into a large asteroid, Ben kills the engines, making the ship drop to the bottom of the asteroid. He quickly turns the engines back on and continues to fly.

Luna: We're getting a call from Captain Seval!

Ben: Finally! Answer it!

Luna swipes her fingers on the screen in front of her seat (the communications seat) and answers the call.

Luna: Finally! We've been trying to call you!

Captain Seval: And I was trying to call you! How was Wiro?

Ben: What does it matter?! What the hell is going on with Terra II?!

Captain Seval: I'll explain when you get here. Did you take care of the business on Wiro or not?

Johnny: Yes! Jesus fuck!

Ben: Where should we land?

Captain Seval: We've set up base in Yuri Park.

Ben: Alright. We're close!

Captain Seval: See you soon.

The call ends.

Luna: What's Yuri Park?

Johnny: A giant field on Terra II.

Falicia: Earth had something called countries, right?

Ben: Ugh, yeah, why?

Falicia: Is that still a thing?

Ben: Your mother was human. Didn't she tell you all of this?

Falicia: Ben my mother died when I was six. Even if she did, I wouldn't remember.

Ben: Right, sorry. Well no, apparently when we moved to Terra II the human spices decided to count itself as one. One species, one president, one set of laws.

Luna: How long ago did humans move there?

Ben: Like five billion years ago. Why all the questions?

Falicia: Well you both hate talking about it so much we've never had a chance to ask!

Luna: Right?

Johnny: Well now ain't the time.

Falicia: We're approaching Terra II now! I'm excited!

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