Episode 2 - Journey to Exile

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A few days after Episode 1, The crew are standing around their holo table.

Ben: Nope.

Falicia: Uhh, oh! Bounty on Olsen?

Johnny: How much?

Falicia: Only a thousand cards..

Ben: Jesus! There's just no good jobs today huh?

Luna: What about this.. Someone from Nuba wants us.

Ben: What for?

Luna: It doesn't say.. Just says to meet him at.. "The Dead Man's Drink". Sounds like a bar.

Johnny: I'm curious.

Ben: Plus if it turns out to be nothing we can just drink!

The crew laugh.

Falicia: So, Nuba then?

Ben: Nuba it is.

The crew strap in as "We Built This City" by Starship plays.

The Cruiser takes off and quickly arrives at Nuba.

Ben: I've never actually been to Nuba. No spieces right?

Falicia: Nope, Nuba welcomes everyone.

Ben: Preparing to land.

Luna: Outside the bar?

Ben: Yep, nice open ship park right outside.

The Cruiser lands outside the bar in a parking lot for spaceships. It's night time and snow is beginning to fall.

Johnny: Damn, must be winter here.

Falicia: Gosh it's freezing!

Luna: Let's get inside.

Ben: Yeah.

The crew wander inside the bar, where a man quickly spots them and stands up with a massive smile on his face.

The crew wander inside the bar, where a man quickly spots them and stands up with a massive smile on his face

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Drat: Ah! The Cosmic Cavalry have arrived!

Luna: Is that a.. Dog?

Drat: Madam! I am no dog!

Ben: It's a Crosare. They're like humanoid dogs from the planet Crosine.

Drat: Enough about my race! It is an honour to meet you all!

The Cosmic Cavalry Season 2Where stories live. Discover now