Chapter 27

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Naruto POV~

It didn't take long for the kage to assemble again, once they heard I was free.

Once again, I found myself in the middle of a five kage summit. This time, though, it was much more secluded, and took place within a single meeting spot whose location was only known to the kage, the two shinobi coming with them, and me. Kakashi and Yamato stood silently behind Tsunade. There was no big fancy building, no samurai guarding the place, it wasn't even listed as an official meeting.

That didn't make it any less dire.

This time, Kurama managed to shake off his distaste and insisted on staying in his chibi form on my shoulder the entire time. It made me feel better, knowing he was there. Of course, he was always there no matter what, but now he was in a visible place where I could look over and see him immediately, and that definitely helped calm my nerves.

The Kage themselves were seated around the round table. The supposed "bar" we were in was completely empty besides them and their bodyguards hovering behind their shoulders. No one was taking any chances, considering how easily the kage summit was infiltrated last time.

"I trust that this location is as secret as they get?" the Tsuchikage said, dubious as ever. I have only met him once before and I could already label him "crabby old man."

"Nobody knows where it is besides the people here." I said. Somehow, I ended up taking charge of the conversation, and although they continued to watch me warily they did nothing to stop me. Maybe the fact that Kurama was glaring at them from his seat on my shoulder had some influence in that.

"There is only so much we can do, with the limited information we have." I started, "Tobi is trying to revive the Ten-Tails, and until we know exactly why, how, when, and where he's doing that, there isn't much we can do to stop him."

"We could protect our Jinchuriki. Keep them under high protection to prevent him from getting them." the Raikage said. As I recalled, Killer Bee was Adopted brother?

Of course, considering how often chosen Jinchuriki happened to have close relations to people in the village, especially people in charge. It often prevented them from doing what I did. 

No wonder they disliked me. Especially with the bare reminder sitting on my shoulder.

"That didn't stop him from snagging me in a room full of kage, shinobi, and samurai." I pointed out. I never had much fear or any real respect to people of authority unless they appealed to me, and I wasn't about to stop that habit anytime soon. 

The Raikage just narrowed his eyes and didn't argue further. Kurama's lip curled in the beginnings of a snarl when he looked at him.

"Anyways, I have a plan. Before I start, though, I need you to promise not to dismiss it entirely, considering how limited our options are."

"That depends on the plan." the Mizukage said, which was...a reasonable point.

I sighed quietly and went on, "I'm going to find Tobi. With Kurama, it won't be hard, and - "

"Kurama?" the Tsuchikage interrupted for, like, the fifth time. Honestly, and they called me disrespectful.

"That would be me." Kurama said, the first words he's spoken this whole time. He seemed to startle them, except for those who expected it (namely Tsunade and Gaara, who had a much more annoying Shukaku at one point), "My chakra allows us to sense any chakra signature, anywhere."

The Tsuchikage scowled at Kurama warily. Kurama just swished his tails and stared evenly back.

I cleared my throat, already desperate to end this awkward meeting. "As I was saying, I am going to find Tobi and confront him. Before that, we will take out the Akatsuki members who have not been incapacitated yet, and deal with them. At the very least spread them out where they can't lend each other assistance. When I confront Tobi, I'll try to find out his motives. Now that I know how to avoid him I should be able to prevent getting caught again. But my main goal," I paused, "my main goal is to find the Gedo statue where the first two tailed beasts are being held. Once I free Shukaku and Matatabi, that is, the One-Tails and the Two-Tails, I ask that they be left alone."

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