+[] Chapter 1 : Outcast []+

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All I could do was stand there, every thing would fall apart sooner or later. It's not like I wasn't replaceable,  I barely went on missions and since Shiro returned I haven't at all. I wasn't a asset, I was an outcast and I've known this throughout my life, on earth and space...

"It's not like he's not replaceable, if there's anything to be replaced" Everyone looked with pity or disgust, but I could tell they agreed. No one knew what to do with him, this embarrassment of a creature. 

As soon as they found out his Galra heritage or the black lion's refusal, they where ready to get rid of him as if they were all along. After squabbling in the lounge (while Keith just stood in a corner) for an hour, they decided to just drop him off on a near by planet. Everyone exited the room along with Keith who was pulled by the collar of his (over-sized) sweater by an emotionales Shiro, said to be his caring brother... guess not.

Keith was put in his room to pack his few belongings, after being told to keep his mouth shut. He was never the hot headed serious Keith, that was just a showcase to the public so he didn't seem weak. Weak...weak was a word he was very familiar with, that was one of the words used to describe him. After his blade was "confingated" he felt weak to.

Keith grabbed all he could, a blanket and a pillow, and all the clothes he had. Until he heard Alurra's voice throughout his room and probably throughout the whole castle. "we have arrived at the planet"  Keith frowned at this, he was going to miss everything his first complete family.(besides Shiro) But would they miss him, probably not. 

He got of the floor caring his clothes and hiding the blanket and pillow, this was because Alurra would probably take it from him. He quickly tied his hair in a braid that went down to his waist, and hurried out the door to the hanger.

When he got there the castle's entrance was open and Hunk, Shiro, and Allura where standing Beside it, Lance and Pige did not even bothering to show up.  He was handed a bag and water and took them not even bothering to look at them. 

He feels tears starting to form and he doesn't stop them because there is nobody to hide them from...What do I do now...

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