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A voice spoke in my head "hello I guess your my rider" the voice said I looked at my dragon and asked "what is your name?" I asked it "my name is sora." She replied she climbed out of the egg she was already as big a coffee table and up to my knee she opened her wings and took off "yeah!im out of that stupid egg!" She yelled in my head I laughed then I looked around the old man was gone. I started to walk around and saw a man dressed in iron armor step out from his hiding spot I stepped back "well well well look who we have here the dragon heir." He pulled out a sword grabbing my arm "the king would be pleased for me to return with your head."he said evilly run the sword against my neck but not cutting me "sora I need your help make as Much noise as you can." I said to sora in my head I hoped she heard me then from outside I heard a tree fall It grabbed the armored man's attention I shoved him and ran outside thinking about how sora could make that Much noise the I saw sora she had grown 5 times since I had left her my jaw dropped "climb on and I can explain what just happened." I climbed on her back and she flew off high into the sky "okay how the heck did you grow so fast?!" I asked/screamed she laughed and said " I'm a golden dragon we grow faster than another dragon" I nodded I then realized we were above the clouds the king would soon know that I had I dragon but what the king doesn't know is that I'm am going to lead this kingdom.

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