"Agent Romanoff," Tony said as 'Shoot to Thrill' played in the background, "you miss me?" Tony asked as he flew in fast, shooting Loki with his blasters when he landed.

"Oooh," I grimaced while my suit landed next to Tony's, "thats gotta hurt."

"Make your move, Reindeer games." Tony aimed every weapon he had at Loki and waited. Loki transformed out of his Asgardian armor and into his normal Asgardian attire. He then slowly raised his hands up in surrender. Tony saw this and sheathed his weapons. "Good move." He commented. I saw Cap stand up and move to stand next to Tony.

"Mr. Stark." He greeted with a small nod.

"Captain." Tony greeted back. Captain America then cocked his head and looked at me with a confused expression.

"You I don't know, yet." He said to me. I tried to respond, but Tony decided to cut in.

"Ignore her," he said, "she's unimportant." I tried to glare at him, but it was no use with the suit on, so I decided on a different route. I took a deep breath and teleported out of the suit.

"I can speak for myself, thanks." I told Tony and looked back at a wide eyed Captain America. "I'm Sammee." I said and held my hand out to him. He quickly recovered from his shock and took my hand.

"Steve Rogers." He told me before turning his attention back to the current problem.

"Sammee, get back in the suit." Tony commanded. "It can't do its job and protect you if you're not in it to protect."

"Uhm, no I think I'll stay out here." I told him. "I like being able to move my own body." I stretched my arms out for added emphasis.

"Let's get him back to base." I heard someone say from behind me. I quickly turned to see that the jet had landed and Natasha Romanoff was walking towards me. I swear, I forgot to breath for a minute.

"Holy Fuck, you're hotter in person!" I choked out. She raised a perfectly sculpted brow at me and looked me up and down.

"Breathe, Sammee." I heard Tony say with his attention still on Loki. I turned my head to look at him.

"Fuck off, Stark." I annoyedly said back and looked to see two S.H.E.I.L.D. agents cuffing Loki.

"Where'd you find her?" Nat asked Tony while still eyeing me.

"She's a stray I picked up and can't seem to get rid of." He sighed. "You know what they say, feed them once and they'll keep coming back for more." I narrowed my eyes and turned my head to look at him. I stuck my tongue out at him before looking back at Nat.

"I'm Sammee. Tony caught me when I mysteriously fell from the sky." I told her and realization washed over her face.

"You're that girl from the world where we're all comic book characters." She said. I smiled and nodded.

"What?" Cap asked and looked between Nat and Tony, hoping someone would give him answers.

"Fill you in later, right now, let's get going." Nat told us and turned to walk toward the jet with all of us following behind.

The Trip Back

      The inside of the jet was badass. I didn't know what all the buttons and switches did, but it sure did look cool. Everyone, but Tony, had to take a seat for takeoff. Once I assured Tony that I would not be getting back into the Ironman suit, he sent it home.

     Tony tried to get Loki to talk, but he wouldn't budge, he just stared straight ahead. Steve, Nat, and Tony were all talking about why he was so easy to take down. I stepped away since I already knew why and went to go talk to Loki.

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