Mr. Smith, Sir

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It was now October, the leaves were all changing colors and the wind held a chilly bite to it. Peter and I were in my classroom after school while Loki finished up his security duties for the day. I was working on typing up the next exam while Peter finished his math homework. It was a content quiet until it was interrupted by a loud smack. We both looked up to the classroom door to see Ned, Peter's best friend. Ned was panting in the open doorway while trying to speak.

"F-fight." Ned finally got out between breaths. I immediately stood up.

"Students?" I asked.

     Ned shook his head and pointed a finger behind him. "Cafeteria." He told me.

"Both of you stay here." I ordered them and left the room to find the cafeteria.

As expected, there was a fight. What wasn't expected was the two adults that were fighting. I expected kids, not two full grown men. The janitor and lunch man were wrestling in the kitchen. At least they had a barrier between them and the students left in the building. But everyone could see them since it was a half wall.

"What in the hell is going on?" I asked them when I entered the kitchen. They didn't answer me, or even acknowledge me. I rolled my eyes before walking up to them and pulling them off each other. I had them both in a wrist lock and the pain made them immediately stop. "There are kids here!" I hissed at them. "Leave, both of you. I hope whatever it was was worth your jobs."

"He slept with my wife." The one to my left spat. My eyes widened a bit, but I shook it off.

"I don't care what he did. There is no excuse for starting a fight where kids can see you." I told them in a angry, hushed whisper and let them go, pushing them in opposite directions. "You, homewrecker, you're leaving out the back door. You," I said and pointed to the other one. "Come with me."

I turned and walked out of the kitchen, janitor in tow. We made our way to the main offices and I had him sit in one of the chairs while I talked to Principal Davis, letting him know what was going on. He thanked me and said he would handle it before sending me back to my classroom.

I sighed and rubbed my tired eyes as I walked into my room. When I saw Peter at the whiteboard, drawing up an equation, I stopped and watched for a moment. Ned was sat at one of the desks watching as well.

"Mrs. Smith!" Ned jumped when he saw me standing there. "Sorry, we were just working something out, we'll erase it!" He said quickly while Peter turned to see me. Peter's eyes widened and he reached for the eraser, but I stopped him.

"It's perfectly alright. That's what the whiteboard is made for. You can use it all you want." I told them and went back to my desk to sit down. "That formula isn't a for freshmen level math." I commented seeing the complicated equation.

"Oh, we finished our homework over lunch." Ned told me. "It was way too easy."

"Then, what have you been working on all this time, Peter?" I asked. His face went red and he looked down sheepishly at his feet.

"Oh, uhm... I'm determining how much force it would take an x-winged fighter ship to explode the Death Star with a collision. Once I have that, I can generate how much force it would build up and how fast it would have to go." He told me. I blinked at him for a second before laughing.

"That's awesome." I laughed. "Why don't you guys join a club instead of being bored here?" I suggested.

"Oh, I don't know..." Peter mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"What about the Academic Decathlon team?" I asked them. "You're both academically equipped for it. Your GPA's are high enough."

"We would need a recommendation." Ned told me. "A teachers recommendation."

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