Comic Books

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     When Loki and I finally pulled up to the compound, I didn't even put the car in the garage, I parked it right in front of the entrance. I barely remembered to turn the car off before I jumped out.

     I had told FRIDAY to call an emergency meeting, so everyone was in the conference room already. I walked quickly through the compound with Loki keeping up right beside me.

     Tony was standing half in the doorway when we could finally see the conference room.

"Hey, Skydive, what's this about?" Tony called over to me from down the hall.

"Tell you in a second. Is everyone here?" I asked.

"Everyone but Clint, Rhodey, and Sam." Tony said and moved aside for me and Loki to enter the room.

"Can you video call them in?" I asked and bent down to take off my heels, dropping them next to the door.

"So we're expecting another fight?" Natasha asked from where she was sitting at the table.

"I don't know." I sighed.

"What do you mean 'you don't know'? You know everything!" Tony asked as he set up a call with the others.

"It means exactly that, Tony." I slightly snapped. Everyone was silent for a moment, too afraid to set me off more. "Sorry, it's just- I don't like not knowing." I shook my head and took a deep breath. Loki pulled my back to his front and kissed the top of my head, helping ground me.

"What happened today, Sammee?" Steve sat up in his seat and asked.

"Let's wait for everyone else." I told him and waited for Tony to get their call started. Within five minutes Tony had three video chats pulled up and shown in a hologram in the middle of the table.

"What's goin on, Cap?" Sam asked as soon as he was transferred into the call.

"I don't know yet, Sammee's running this one." Steve answered.

     Everyone's attention landed on me and it took my brain a second to start.

"I think- I think karma is finally catching up to us, or me, to be more specific." I finally said without looking at anyone. I kept my head down.

"Why, what happened at the school?" Natasha asked.

"The Principal's name was Andrew Davis." I told her, though it meant nothing to her... yet.

"Ya, so?" Tony shrugged.

"I'm guessing that's not who you we're expecting?" Wanda guessed and I nodded.

"I was expecting Principal Morita." I explained before finally looking up at Steve. "Jim's grandson."

     Steve stiffened a little at the name of his old friend, but didn't interrupt.

"So it was a different guy, who cares? Why should we worry?" Pietro chimed in with his care free attitude.

"Because Andrew Davis was the Principal in the comics." I told him.

"Wait, the comics are different than the movies?" Tony asked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"The movies are based on the comics, but they changed the characters to make them more likable. Both hero's and villains. Movie magic and all." I said and rubbed my temples, trying to keep the headache away. Loki noticed and massaged the back of my neck to help.

"Alright, but it sounds like you've read the comics too, so you still have an idea of what's going to happen, right?" Sam asked me hopefully.

"That's the problem," I sighed, "there is more than one storyline. If we get into the comics, then we have to start talking about the multiverse."

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