
548 11 0

2nd november
tate's pov

i have been home for a few days now and let me tell you i haven't stopped. i have dance 5 times a week, four hours a day, which is also mixed in with school work and my music. honestly, everything is catching up on me, i don't even have time to breathe its making me unwell.

so i just finished my last two hour dance session of the day, which was my contemporary class. don't get me wrong i enjoy it a lot however i can't even explain how sore i am and how exhausted i am.

for some reason i am struggling sleeping as well, i don't know what is going on with me i kinda just feel numb.

"what are you doing tonight" lucy asks as we step out of the dance studio, both of us sweaty and achy. i pull my hoodie over my shorts and sports bra combo, pulling the zip up half way as the cold canada air hits my skin.

"i'm just gonna chill honestly, might just go to bed" i tell her as we reach my car and shove my dance bag onto the front passenger seats.

"are you ok?" the blonde asks, putting her cold hand on me making me shiver. i nod, not really knowing. "i'm good, i'll see you tomorrow".

without hesitation i start my engine and pull out of the parking lot, giving my best friend a small wave as i drive off. i love driving through calgary in the winter, the frosty streets and the new found christmas lights illuminating in the dark.

i used to love this city a lot, not so much anymore though unfortunately. its not the place because yeah it's beautiful, it's the people. i have had so many so called friends that i found to just be using me because of what i do. the only person i really have left is lucy, i barely even trust people at dance.

it's really a shame because i was born here, grew up here, made so many memories with fake people who don't even give a shit. that's kinda where the inspiration for my song 'all my friends are fake' came from, i just felt like they should all know exactly how i feel.

that's kinda why i have a hard time trusting new people, i can read people really well and i know if they are worthy. which i suppose is a bad trait because i tend to make assumptions and throw everyone away.

i pull up on my drive and grab all my things before locking the car. as i enter my house the warmth hits me and the smell of my moms cooking hits my nose. i walk through the kitchen saying hi to my family and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"tate i saved you some food" my dad says, pointing to the plate near the microwave. i shake my head.

"im good thank you, i'm just gonna shower and go to bed im exhausted" i tell them, everybody gives me questioning looks but i just ignore them and run upstairs.

i step into my bedroom turning on my red neon lights and my lamp on my desk. quickly, i take my hoodie off and throw it down onto my bed before going into the bathroom and turning the shower on.

i look at myself in the mirror, seeing my unusually pale face and dark circles under my eyes. i must be getting a cold or something. after stripping all my clothes off i step into the shower, the hot water running down my back and dripping down my face. once my hair is completely soaked, i grab my shampoo and massage it into my head.

"tate" i hear a deep voice shout from the opposite side of the shower door. my brother. "what do you want tucker?" i ask, continuing washing my hair.

"why is mom on the phone to charlie d'amelio saying she is worried about you?" i hear him say, making me step back a little in confusion. what the fuck.

i finish up in the shower and get out putting my robe on quickly, walking back into my bedroom seeing my brother sat at my desk messing with my piano.

i check my phone seeing a text from charlie.

charlie :): hey t <3

i show my brother who frowns his eyebrows and shrugs his shoulders.

me: hey

"you look like shit, you sure your ok?" tucker says, continuing messing with the piano keys. i walk over and unplug it making him frown at me.

"i just finished a 4 hour dance class, now get out so i can change" i tell him and he groans getting up and leaving. i sit down on my bed and continue texting.

charlie :) : your mom rang me, are you ok?

me: i know, i'm fine i just think i'm getting sick or something, just feel drained.

charlie :) : you are overworking yourself tate, honestly you and dix need to talk to each other, she is feeling down lately too.

me: no i'm good i'm used to it, is she ok?

charlie :): stop lying, we are gonna come to calgary tomorrow wanna see some snow and stuff, maybe it can cheer you up.

me: that sounds good, but don't worry about me.

charlie: whatever you say tater tot ;p

lie to me [tatemcrae x dixie d'amelio]Where stories live. Discover now