23.0// Kitchen Table //

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I woke up in my own bed. I felt dazed and confused. I looked around my room to see everything perfectly in place. I got up and followed my usual routine. Everything was normal. Except it wasn't. Looking in the mirror, I saw my bloodshot eyes . Last night replayed in my head. I regret every moment, I wish I had found another way out. But it didn't matter. Right now I just had to tell Tom everything without Vanessa finding out.

I went to Vanessas office. She wasn't there. I went through papers, trying to see if anything could help me find out about her upcoming plans. 

"What are you doing here?" A guard asked as he walked through the door. 

"I was just...looking for a file that I left on her desk".

"Well, have you found it?"


"Then I suggest you leave".

"Before i do that, do you know where she is....so I can ask about that file".

"I thought you would know, considering you're her assistant", he sneered.

"Shut up Dave, you were demoted last month. Now where is she?"

"Took an early flight to Italy".


"I don't know," he replied angrily, "now stop wasting my time, and get out".

"Watch how you speak to me. I pay your wages after all".

I left the room. 


Harrison drove to Tom's place as soon as possible. He had to warn him.

He knocked on his door, with Harry answering. 

"Harrison? What are you doing here? What if she finds you, you idiot?"

"Don't worry about that, she's in Italy. Is Tom here? No, I need the whole family".

 Harrison let himself inside, with Harry staring after him, completely lost after what was going on. 

Harrison walked into the kitchen, where he saw Nikki crying, and everyone else sat around the table looking sad

They all looked up when he walked in. 

"Harrison? What are you doing here?" Nikki stood up, "Did you know about Nancy? Because I swear if you did I'll-" Dom stopped her and motioned at Tom to take Harrison out of the room. Tom got the gist and steered Harrison into the living room

"Dont mind her she'll be fine once she gets her head around it", Tom said as he poured them both drinks. He sat down the arm of the sofa, drink in hand.

 "But seriously though, what happened in there?" 

Harrison kept his head down, focusing on his drink. "You don't want to know".

" Harrison just tell me. I'm at this point in my life where nothing surprises me anymore".

So Harrison said everything. He went through the whole traumatic ordeal. How he told Vanessa about Tom's and Y/Ns past relationship. Everything about Y/Ns concert date. Everything that could possible hurt either one of them. 

After what seemed like a decade but was only really 15 minutes, Harrison was done explaining. Tom ran his hand through his hair. 

"So..what do we do now?" Harrison broke the silence, he couldn't bear it. 

Tom took a deep breath. "We call Robert. He'll get protection for Y/N. I'll have to tell her about this too". 

"I don't think you'd be the right person for that. I can-"

"I think you've done enough, haven't you?" Tom snapped. 

Harrison looked at him with a hurt expression on his face. "I can't believe you're pinning this on me. Did you not hear the part of the story where I had no way out? It was either tell her that, or she takes my life. Don't lie Tom, you'd do the same".

"Whatever. I'll go to Y/N and tell everyone else". Tom downed his drink and stood up.

"And what do I do in the meantime?" 

"Well for starters, you're not going back there. Vanessa probably knows you came here. She's always a step ahead of us. Stay here and and stay out of trouble". 

I know this is really short but I got more coming x 

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