13.0// BullShit //

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"Y/N's new album is a sensation!"

"The singers new album has reached $1 billion in sales". 

"Y/N Y/L/N is already receiving Grammy buzz"

"Ariana Grande wants to collaborate! Is there one in the future?"

"None of her success is real. Bet her dad had something to do with it".

"There is speculation on who her moving and powerful songs are about. Is a certain Mr Tom Holland popping up soon?" 

I shut off the TV. It's nice to know that the album is doing well but it gets annoying when people start to spread gossip about it. Just appreciate the content will you? 



"It's time."

I got my phone out and started a live on my Instagram. 

I went to my room and grabbed a box, and walked out to my couch, where I saw my live starting to be flooded with fans. 

"Hey guys".

I smile at the comments that they were saying. 

"Am I drinking enough water? I can assure you I am". I laughed and looked at Mark, one of my assistants. 

"Okay guys I actually have something to say but I really need to pee so just bear with me for a couple of minutes". 

Mark rolled his eyes and I smiled awkwardly while running to toilet. 

I sat on the toilet, buzzing with excitement. I was so excited for this. It was going to be a way to get away from it all. 


"Yeah hold on let me wash my hands!" 

I quickly flushed and washed my hands while singing Happy Birthday (brits will know) 


"Jesus Mark, shut up or I will fire you!" 

I walked out of the toilet and into the kitchen 

"Mark what the he-"

I stopped 


"Hello beautiful." He stood up grinning at me. I ignored him and looked at Mark.

"Why the fuck did you let him in?"

"Uh hello, I'm still here." Tom said, waving his hand. 

"Shut up Holland." I looked at Mark. "Well?"

"He has something to say."

"Well I'm not gonna hear it. I have things to do." 

"Y/N please hear him out. I'll buy you some time." 

I sighed. "You're supposed to be on my side but fine, fine. Five minutes is all he gets".

Tom sat down at the kitchen island and I sat opposite him. Mark left, tactfully closing the door.

 "Well you heard me. Five minutes max." 

"Alright, alright. Look Y/N, I know you want nothing to do with me right now-"


"And, and I know your still angry and upset about what happened-".

"Also correct."  

"Do you mind? I'm trying to say something here".

"Sorry, sorry. Continue".

"Anyway, there's no easy way in saying this but Vanessa and I have...split".

I looked at him blankly.

"Is that it? Well congratulations, I'm glad you came to your senses-" 

"What? No, no there's more." He grabbed my hand and sat me down again.

"So, I was wondering if......you know...." he started slowly, treading carefully.

It took me a second to figure out what he was trying to say. When it hit me, I burst out laughing. 

"I'm sorry, I don't want Vanessa's reject, thank you very much."

"Actually I cut it off-"

"Oh as if that makes any difference!"

"But it does! Because it shows that I've realised-"

"Finally realised" I added quietly 

"-Finally realised who I'm supposed to be with and-"

"Oh save me all the soppy bullshit".

"It's not bullshit Y/N!"

"Well it is to me Tom. I've started to learn that anything that comes out of your mouth is bullshit. Look you don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that. But it's too late."

"Why? Is, is there someone else?"

I paused. "You'll just have to come out and see." 

I left and walked into the living room, Mark sighing happily. 

"Here she is guys".

He got up and patted my shoulder. I sat myself in front of my phone and started talking. 

"Hey guys, sorry for the wait, something came up".

I looked at Tom. 

"Anyway," I looked back down. "So I take you guys have had a chance to listen to the new album?"

I saw comments of "YES" and all sorts.

"Well that's good because I'm hoping most of you will be able to hear it live."

I watched the live erupt into "what's she on about" "omg what's happening."

"You guys have been bugging me a lot for this so I'm doing it. Tonight at midnight tickets for my international tour will be released".

"I know. I'm super excited too! It will be a year long and it's gonna be so great to meet all the people who have  supported me as well! Oh I almost forgot. The MERCH!"

I got excited and looked up but I only saw Mark, smiling happily. Tom wasn't there. He left. 

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