i'm not sure

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Clarke's pov: "How've you been?" Mallory asked me.

I shrugged.

I feel like everything has gone downhill since Zach told me he liked me.

Well not completely downhill.

But it felt like everything was spiraling.

I was sad then I was happy.

Now I'm straight up depressed.

I haven't seen or talked to Zach in so long.

I wonder if he's moved on.

"I'm fine." I said lying straight through my teeth.

Mallory hummed then wrote something down on her notepad.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm just so exhausted." I said.

Which wasn't really a lie.

I have barely gotten any sleep in the past two weeks. If I was luck in one night I got at least an hour of sleep.

"How have you been sleeping?" She asked.

She looked at me, clearly seeing the heavy bags under my eyes.

"Oh just delightful," I said sarcastically. "I sleep all the time."

"Have you been taking any of the medication I've prescribed you to help you sleep?" She asked.

I bit the inside of my cheek, not wanting to tell her I haven't even bothered picking it up from the pharmacy.

"Uh sometimes." I lied.

She slightly nodded then wrote something else down in her notepad, which irritated me.

"How's Zach?" She asked when she looked back up at me.

My face softened and I looked down at my hands, messing with them.

"I uh I'm not sure." I said quietly.

"I miss him though." I added, talking even quieter.

She still heard me though.

"Have you tried talking to him?" She asked.

I looked back up at her and shook my head.

"Should we talk about what you said last time before you left this room?" She asked.

I sat silently trying to remember what I said, then it clicked.

"But I don't want to hurt him."

I shook my head.

"I rather not." I said.

"Well then would you like to talk about Carter?" She asked.

"What about Carter?" I asked.

"How are things with him?" She asked.

"Oh, I kind of ended it with him." I said. "We're still friends though."

"How come?" She asked.

I looked at the clock.

"Oh look at that time's up, gotta go." I said quickly getting up and leaving the room.

I looked around the waiting room, but didn't see Zach anywhere.

I sighed then walked out, and just as I got to the elevator the door to it opened and standing there was...

Author's note:
sorry for the lil cliffhanger

but i'm almost done with this book

i feel like it's bad, but i only want there to be 50 parts and this is currently the 47th part so only 3 more parts then this series is finally over!!

then i can finally try focusing on my other stories more, like my corbyn fan fiction that i haven't updated in over a month

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