i hope

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Dear My Love,

It's been a few days since I had written a new letter to you, I haven't had the time to write one until now. And by that I mean you have been with me all the time so I couldn't write any. But now you are at the store getting us some more snacks and supplies. I'm glad I finally have the chance to write a new letter. Though don't get me wrong, I love having you with me all the time. It's just that sometimes I feel suffocated by you. You treat me like a little kid, who you are afraid of getting hurt. Which I get, since I am dying... But I want to be free to do whatever I want with whatever time I have left. Anyways... Back to what I was originally planning on writing. I have been thinking about what life would be like if my cancer didn't come back. I have so many questions about what life would've been like if it didn't. Like would we still be together? Would we have gotten married? How many kids would we of had? Would I have continued acting? Would I have been successful? Would we have grown old together? Where did we get married? Would we be Kylie & Brandon's kids' Godparents? I'm sad that these are questions that will never be answered. At least not for me. I hope that when I pass away that you eventually move on and find someone new. I hope she treats you well and that she loves you like I do. I hope you get married, have kids and grow old together. It's what you deserve. I love you so much.


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