🦋~Part 7~🦋

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"We are thinking of releasing him from the hospital sometime very soon, his condition has become increasingly good in the past few months, very few breathing attacks", the doctor looked down at his clip board, "His wounds healed nicely quite a while ago, we just want to make sure that everything will run smoothly before he is released, I estimate a month at the most.".

"That sounds great!", Kuroo was squeezing Kenma's hand, it hurt a little but Kenma didn't mind, Kuroo was getting released soon.

"As long as you take your medications and make visits after your release we're looking at a full recovery by this time next year.".

Kenma's eyes widened in surprise, he's gonna be fine, Kuroo is gonna be fine, he's gonna make a full recovery. He slumped back into the chair and gave a sigh of relief, he could finally breath, he had been holding his breath for so long and he could finally let go. It wasn't over, no, not yet, but they were in the final stretch.

"We should go get ready." Kuroo and Kenma were riding back to Kenma's apartment, while Kuroo technically still lived at the hospital, they still spent a lot of time during the day at Kenma's.

"We're going on a double date aren't we, with Akaashi and Bokuto?". Kenma held Kuroo's hand loosely, like he wasn't scared of loosing him.

Bokuto and Akaashi had announced that they were together sometime last year, it hadn't been a surprise to anyone, they had been so extremely close throughout school that everyone kind of assumed that they were together. Kenma had been told my his childhood friends that thats how him and Kuroo had been viewed, Kenma denied it but secretly thought it was cute, was it that obvious that he liked Kuroo?

"I wanna use the dice"

"The dice?"

"You remember don't you?"

"Yeah, but I thought that Akaashi had a specific place he wanted to go."

"Yeah, but I'm sure he'll be fine with it!", Kuroo smiled down at Kenma, showing his teeth.

Kenma sighed and pulled out his phone, over the past few months Kenma had gotten increasingly close with Akaashi who had helped support Kenma's company through his position as an editor for the Shonen Jump Magazine. Kenma was increasingly grateful and now that he had ties to such a popular publication he felt like his company could really become something big. He texted Akaashi to warn him about Kuroo's change of plans.

hey I just wanted to warn u that k is changing up our date plans he wants to do the dice thing kinda hard to explain see you later

He put his phone away right as the train came to a screeching halt, Kuroo pulled them out of the open door before the crowd of people behind them clogged up the doorway. They walked back to the apartment in silence, touching each other lightly, not grasping onto each others arms or hands like they used too, when they were in constant fear of loosing each other.

They walked up the stairs, Kuroo jiggled the key in the lock and opened the door to the apartment, their were six rooms, Kenma had scored quite a large apartment from the income he had gained from his company. One kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and one living room, he had adorned his apartment in all kinds of furniture, Kuroo and Kenma had gone on a shopping trip and had spent way to much money on indoor decor and furniture. Little plants spread all of the kitchen, all kinds of stuffed animals adorned the bedroom and living room, dim lighting and candles created a soft mood within the rooms, a mood that Kenma felt comfortable in.

They both set their stuff down by the door and Kuroo hopped into the shower, he hated the smell of the hospital and whenever he got the chance he would shower, washing off the scent. Kenma started changing into a navy colored sweatshirt and a collar, he slipped on a pair of khakis and creme colored converse.

He heard Kuroo getting out of the shower and pulled out clothing he thought Kuroo would like, throwing it on the bed. Kuroo walked into the room with a towel wrapped around his waste, showing off his abs and biceps. Without looking at the clothes or Kenma he collapsed on the bed, Kenma's mind set into panic in fear that Kuroo was having an attack, but reached his arms up and stretched out his body as if he was sore. Kenma sighed in relief and sat down on the bed next to him and started rubbing his shoulders, Kuroo's shoulder were wide-set, his back rather muscular which was a surprise considering how much time he spent cooped up in the hospital or Kenma's apartment.

"You need to get dressed, we need to leave in ten minutes baby."

Kuroo flipped Kenma over and pulled him into a kiss, Kuroo pulled him onto his body until Kenma was on top of him, Kenma kissed him back until Kuroo pushed him away, Kenma recoiled in confusion.

"I need to get ready don't I Kitty?", he whispered in Kenma's ear.

Kenma blushed heavily and Kuroo flipped Kenma under him and then got up, grabbing his clothing off the bed, leaving Kenma red-faced on the sheets.

When they met up with Bokuto and Akaashi, Kenma thought that Kuroo was gonna explode with excitement, he had been talking the entirety of the trip to their meeting place about how he was so excited to see them. Back when they were in high school, Kuroo and Bokuto always seemed to loose any common sense when they were together. They were both amazing volleyball players, both constantly competing with each other.

Kenma spotted Bokuto from over the crowd of people, his bright shock of black and white hair gave him away. Bokuto was tall and muscular, while Akaashi was slightly shorter and thin, a parallel that Kenma had compared to his own relationship.

"Bokuto! Akaashi!" Kenma ducked in involuntary embarrassment as Kuroo yelled across the alley. Bokuto turned and smiled, his face instantly lit up when he saw them, he ran towards them, dragging a very confused Akaashi.

"What are we doing? Akaashi said you wanted to change plans or something." Bokuto said to Kuroo, to which Kuroo pulled the dice out of his pocket, he explained it to Bokuto who was eagerly listening.

"So how has Kuroo's recovery been." Akaashi said to Kenma in a quiet tone.

"It's been tough, but the doctor said he can leave the hospital in about a month, and that he's expecting a full recovery by next year.".

Akaashi smiled at his friend, he looked so genuinely happy for him, "Im so glad Kenma, Im so sorry you have had to deal with this."

Kenma let out a small laugh and nodded his head, "Its been tough, but I mean it is what it is.".

They started on their journey, another exhausting 26 dice rolls before landing on the white butterfly, and they arrived at a small ramen shop, it was quiet and there were very few customers inside. They got seated and started talking, about a lot of things, Bokuto and Akaashi had gotten married, Bokuto has also started coaching at Fukurōdani along with his professional volleyball career, which had really hit off. Kenma had decided to sponsor his team, a decision that had brought the friend group closer as a whole. After about four hours they decided to head off, waving a melancholy goodbye to each other before heading onto opposite trains, heading opposite ways.

When they got back to the hospital, a fresh change of clothes way waiting, Kenma had decided to keep part of his wardrobe there just in case. As they snuggled up against each other, Kenma felt Kuroo slip out of bed.


Kenma looked down at Kuroo who was kneeling on the floor

"I don't have a ring or anything..."

Kenma's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, yes Kuroo"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Kuroo" Kenma hugged Kuroo, draping himself over his boyfriend, "Of course I'll marry you."

They planned than the rest of the night, a frantic rush of ideas, a small, simple and beautiful wedding, set for two months later, so that Kuroo could get adjusted to Kenma's apartment.

Kenma's life was finally coming together, the company he had always wanted and now a soulmate, a perfect amazing soulmate, a perfect amazing soulmate that was his own.

This chapter was a little bit longer than usual but I wanted to jam a ton of stuff into it, I hope you liked it, I hope you have a good day:)

(kuroken fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя