🦋~Part 2~🦋

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~Time skip: Kenma is in his first year in college working on video game design, Kuroo is in his second year getting a degree in business.~

Kenma was working on the dialogue for his new game when he got the text.

[No Unread Messages]


yes mom?

There was an accident, with your friend.

Kenma's attention left his game for a moment, he had to think, kenma didn't have many friends, he had gained two or three through college and that was about it.

[No Unread Messages]



Kenma's stomach dropped.

[No Unread Messages]


mom what happened

He got in car crash sweetie.

Kenma spoke to Kuroo less than an hour ago.
Even when they had gone to different colleges they had still stayed close, Kuroo had proceeded to face time him every night. He would rant to Kenma about the struggles of business school, Kenma told him that was his fault for attending business school. He had involuntarily incorporated Kuroo's personality through the main character of the game after working on it while talking to Kuroo. His professor loved it.

[No Unread Messages]

You can visit him in the hospital.

is he okay

Yes, he doesn't have his phone and his mom thought I could tell you.

Kenma breathed a sigh of relief, Kuroo was fine, his rooster was fine. He went back to his game and saved what he had been working on, as the program shut down he took a deep breath. He couldn't loose Kuroo, what would have happened if the accident was worse? What if Kuroo had died? No, he couldn't think about shit like that. He packed some stuff in an overnight bag, toiletries, sweatpants, some shirts, his psp and a charging cord. He had his mom text him the hospital address, he knew which one it was, after all it was the hospital in his hometown. Kuroo had decided to stay in Nerima Ward for college, he had talked about going to the United States and had ended staying in Tokyo, it was kind of funny.

Kenma stepped outside his dorm and walked down the hall to the hall monitor's room, he knocked twice, suddenly the door opened to reveal a lanky boy with tan skin and dark black hair, cropped close to his head.

"Kenma, it's three in the morning, what?"

Kenma didn't even realize. "Sorry, but I'm leaving and I have to check out with you, right?"

Malcolm sighed, "Yeah yeah.". He went back into his room and pulled out a sticky note and pen, "Kenma Kozume.. 3: 26 am... Why are you leaving?".

"My friend got in a car accident." He said monotone.

"Oh shit, sorry about that dude. Are you okay?" Malcolm seemed genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, he's fine, I just wanna make sure.".

"Oh, okay." Malcolm wrote on the post-it note,

friend, car accident

"Just make sure you're back before the end of the week or the deans office will call you, 'kay?"

Kenma nodded and started walking toward the end of the hall. He hadn't talked to Malcolm for a while, all he knew about him was that he was an foreign exchange student from North America, he was working for a degree in computer coding and had been disappointed by his options back in The United States. He had also said that Japan had so much more branches of coding. When Kenma had first come to the college he had constantly been pestered by Malcolm about video game design, he had been amazed that video game design was taken seriously. Kenma had ignored him, he hadn't really talked to Malcolm since the beginning of the semester.

Kenma stepped outside, it was dark outside and there was a certain chill in the air. He pulled his Nekoma jacket closer to his body, it wasn't really his jacket, Kuroo had given it to Kenma when he had left for college.

Kenma walked to the shinkasnsen and sat down on the bench, no one was there, so he pulled his legs into his jacket, even now, high school Kuroo was much bigger than Kenma. He took his psp out of his bag and started playing around with it, majoring in video game design had sucked the fun out of most of his games, he could easily locate the blind spots, the missing code, any of the mistakes, no matter how small, he could point it out.

Suddenly his phone started to buzz from inside his pocket, he put down the psp and pulled out his phone, his mom was calling him.

Hey sweetie

Her voice sounded far away over the phone.

"Hey mom, what is it?"

Are you on the way yet?

"I'm at the shinkansen station, the train should come by in the next thirty minutes."

Are you alone? You really shouldn't sit out in the cold, alone for-

"Mom, I'm fine."

The other line when silent for a moment.

How long will the train ride be?

"I don't know, an hour, maybe two."

His mom paused again.

Well, when you in, tell me, I can come pick you up.

"I'm gonna go straight to the hospital, I might spend the night, or get a room in a hotel nearby."

I would really like it if you would spend the night back at home.

It was his turn to be silent.

"How's Kuroo?"

Good, he's good.

Suddenly the track started to vibrate, that was fast , he thought.

"Mom, the train is here, I'll see you at the hospital."

He hung up.

He stepped on the train and showed the person at the door his student ID, he waved Kenma on and pressed a button on the wall, closing the door. He walked into the warm body of the train and sat down on a seat in the back as far away from the only other people on the train. Three exhausted looking college students and a young girl who was wide awake, focused intently on her Nintendo Switch. Kenma almost laughed, he had a Nintendo Switch but felt that his psp was greatly superior, it wasn't, honestly but he had spent so much time getting used to it. She gave out a frustrated grunt and slammed the Switch down on the seat next to her. He looked over at it, she was playing Dragon Quest XI which had come out recently. He remembered reading about what a great game it was, he had trying playing it but it had seemed repetitive and not very engaging. Eventually, as he watched the small child fail again and again he fell asleep with his head resting against his bag and his legs tucked into Kuroo's jacket.

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