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"We're just about ready to start, Alpha," Jace says, reporting on our annual fall festival. Today marks the first day of fall and our pack celebrates with a huge cook out. All the pack members come to the pack house and we have activities for the pups and more food than you could imagine. After the festival, the entire pack shifts and goes for a run. Due to the recent increase in ogre attacks, we've had to increase security ten fold but we've made it safe for our pack to gather and celebrate. Today would be just about perfect if it wasn't for the fact that I found my mate last night.

"Thank you Jace. And the border patrol?" I ask.

"All clear. No scents or sightings of rogues or ogres. It's looks like today might actually be a good day," Jace says smiling.

My face falls as I think about spending today without my mate, as I think about spending endless days without her. My wolf has been a mess ever since I found her and although I'm working hard to do what I need to do, all I want to do is shift and run to her and explain everything. The pull to be with her is burning me alive. It wasn't suppose to be like this.

Had my mate been another wolf, we would have recognized each other instantly and then sealed our bond. But as fate has it, my mate is a witch. And while I have nothing against witches, quite the opposite actually, she won't feel the bond the way I do. So I have to go slow.

"I'm sorry Eli. I can't imagine how hard this is for you," Jace says. We've been best friends for our entire lives and although he's a fierce and loyal Beta, I know the other side of him as well.

"Thanks Jace. Let's get out there and celebrate with our pack." Walking outside, the cool air hits me, and I hear the howls of pack members as they begin to gather. Most pack members live here on pack land but a few stragglers, like old Tom O'Malley, live on their own land on the outskirts. It's been awhile since the whole pack came together like this and as I look out from the pack house deck, I'm proud of what we've built here. The family we've built.

I head out to greet pack members as the grills are fired up and festivities begin. I see Tom first and decide to check in on him. At 192, he's one of the pack's oldest members and is the great great grandfather of one our current warriors. He's a handful sometimes but I'll always show respect to our pack's elders. And, I suppose I owe him. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have found my mate. Tom lives close to the human town nearby and went to the clinic there when he was injured yesterday in an ogre attack on his land.

Although we never go to human doctors or hospitals for good reason,  my mate has apparently earned herself quite the reputation as a healer amongst the super natural community. Although she may not know it, the majority of her patients are supernatural and seek her out for her healing abilities. Although ogre bites are hard to heal from, even for a werewolf, Tom's arm is good as new today. I can't help but be proud of my mate for the work that she's doing although I'm also worried that all the attention she's garnering may put her in danger. The sooner she joins me here at the pack, the better.

"Hey Tom, how are you doing today?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm up to no good as usual and ready to eat my weight in bbq."

I laugh and pat Tom on the back. Crazy old wolf.
"Okay well you stay out of too much trouble," I smile. Tom heads off toward the grill and I see Jace running up to me.

"Alpha, there's a vehicle traveling toward the pack house. The border patrol spotted it and are following. So far, they say the scent is witch," Jace informs me.

"Why would a witch be driving on our pack land?" It's impossible to find our pack house for anyone but a member of our pack. The route from town is long and its common to get lost and turned around. Being private property, none of the pack roads even show up on maps.

"I don't know Alpha. What are your orders?"

"Stay close but I don't want them engaging,"" I say. "Keep me updated."

My Appalachian AlphaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora