Changing of the Seasons (B1, S9)

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From the back corner of the room Nero leans over and whisper's in Cain's ear, "Silva does this once a week." Silva is overheard in the background telling the children it's naptime. Nero and Cain walk out the room. Nero asks, "Isn't she wonderful. She takes care of the children and doesn't complain. She cooks and she's cute." Cain begins to blush, "But I cook." Nero says, "That's not important. Remind me to properly introduce the two of you sometime soon." Cain gingerly says, "It's fine, don't worry about me." Nero says, "Brother, I am trying to help you. You better act fast, there's apparently suitors already asking for her hand. Don't forget she's leaving pretty soon." Cain's face turns to bewilderment as Nero continues, "Once the snow thaws and the weather gets slightly better, she's off touring the country with Josephine . Before you ask why, the two of them will be organizing designated areas for the young children and  help set up systems for educating the young." Cain speaks, "Not to be crude, but most of the children will end up as farmers. To give them education would be giving them another way out. I like that idea." Nero says, "Of course you would, it's my idea."

The two walk in silence before a brunette approaches the two and curtsies at the sight of Nero.  The girl walks away with a small giggle as Cain blushes again and Nero tries not to mock him, "See that. Cute girl. There's so many to choose from. I'll be honest; if I didn't have Grace, Silva would be a great choice. So at least make an effort to make a friend. She may become helpful." Cain regains his composure, "I make no promises. I do have my eye on someone else, but that does not seem like a likely event."  Nero's face opens with excitement, "I want to know, but I do not care at the moment. Silva is your best choice. Find Peter and have the two of you meet me  in the small council chamber room in 30 minutes. I would like to hear stories of your travel and reports." Cain asks,  "Can I at least have time to say hi to Grace first?" Nero says,  "The report is more important. Plus, Grace is busy."  Cain asks what he means. Nero responds, "Sorry for being vague. Grace wanted to become involved in the government, so I made her the head of the Child Development and Education Task Force.  It's very demanding and  now we often go to sleep tired and complaining about leadership roles." Cain says,  "Well I'm happy for her and you. I'll find Peter." Cain pats his brother on the shoulder and walks out of the Council Chambers.

Moments later in the Council Chamber Grace is seen talking to another girl where they walk into Nero. Grace greets her betrothed, "Are the rumors true?  Cain and Peter have returned? Nero nods his head yes. Grace smiles very widely and  tells him, "If he's back, I'm going to catch up with Cain." Nero says, "Unfortunately my love, you can't do that. Cain is very busy at the moment and that for a fact I know you have work to do." Grace replies,  "I have finished the bulk of my work and the rest are reports and surveys that don't need a response until Friday. Today is Tuesday." Nero says, "Good for you, but the fact still remains that Cain is busy. I think Cain will be free around dinner. You can find him then." Grace sighs and begins to walk away from Nero. Nero coughs loudly and interjects. Grace walks back and kisses Nero on the cheek before walking away.

The sun is now setting and the tables are filled with plates and bowls of food. Peter is at the edge of small table where Cain is next to him. On the other side is Hera, Nero, and Bonzai. Peter exclaims, "I never thought I would miss Athena's cooking so much." Cain takes offense, "What about my cooking?" Peter says, "Cain, the cooking was fine but that's what you wanted to do to take up your time." Nero asks Peter to explain the meaning of that. Peter elaborates, "Cain cooked because he likes to, it helps him think." The table chuckles. Peter says, "You laugh but it's true. We were in the town of Abnerden and we couldn't decide what place to make the storage building and Cain looked over at me and said we should eat. An hour later I'm eating the best lamb stew I've ever had. Hand to Mithrasol heart over Isis." The table erupts into laughter. Cain blushing once more, "Cooking calms me down and gives me a cool head." Peter goes on, "The thing with Athena is that after being around love in the cooking, you can taste the disdain for the job in her food. The food is good, but you can tell she's only doing this because she has to." Bonzai says,  "I have a suggestion, how about we have Athena and Cain switch places?" The  erupts in a higher volume of laughter.

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